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RE: Announcing Season Rentals

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Hi buddy, to explain - I missed some things during last days as I have been on a business trip. And realized I also mixed up things commenting - aplogies.

I was aware season rentals are coming and I was aware every card to rent out would cost 1 DEC and every renewal / prize update as well listing fee. 1 DEC is not a lot but I saw some discussions and also heard one rental service stopped their operations as rental market is not that interesting for people anymore that want to rent-out cards.

After some discussion I saw in mav chat around a week ago that after some talks with @genepoolchlrn8r our very own Matt wanted to change stuff and will inform us. Apart from DEC there was even more important a question of using private / active key for such operations.

After having read that other post of Matt now some things are clarified in the meantime, so let us see how that works - am not a fan of season rentals in general but the one-click thing by @jarvie sounds cool.

Sorry for sounding negative before doing all relevant research.



Cool @uwelang ... Thanks for explaining your thoughts and glad you at least like parts of the new changes. And yes the one-click rental feature will be great I think everyone will love that no matter they think about everything else! :)