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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Daily Burn of Unsold Chaos Legion Packs

in #splinterlands2 years ago

As we did not anticipate the significant downturn in both crypto and traditional markets, Chaos Legion packs are taking longer than intended to sell out which adds downward pressure to asset values across the ecosystem.

You mean.. because you didn't want to admit that over 300k of your DAU were bots and that you used poor data and judgement to justify the supply.

Now we're being faced with yet another massive overcorrection on SPL's part.

Why not give your previous proposal some time to witness its effects and also collect some data before dumping more proposals on a problem you could've avoided in the first place?

Let people recover a bit from all your recent money grabs and maybe then they'll start buying packs again.


"300k of your DAU were bots"

I always wondered about this when I saw a lot of similar user names with similar strategies.

From the sounds of it.. the majority of these proposals should be benefitting you directly so it's understandable that you'd take that position. It's a shame that can't be said for more players.