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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

This isn't the way to fix this problem. Any game that restricts progress based on the the value of your spend instead of the skill level of the player is not going to do well long term. What struck me at the Clash of Clans world finals was that some of the players there who won substantial amounts of money had actually spent zero $ on the game. They were not told they couldn't compete in the finals or barred for that reason. This is like killing the dream of a small club winning the FA Cup. There must surely be a better way than this.


Well said

This is exactly what I think. At least we had before a chance to stand up against them by strategy, now it's not possible.
There will be only the richs and their bots. Why not ? We'll see if it's sustainable :)

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.