
Wait, why man?

cancer (MPNST) big tumor on neck -doc says they can cut it out but likely dangerous. even so tumor likely to come back within year I've dealt w VA for a year already. I've got shit to dot hat cant wait on any more "maybes" or "possiblys. i've also beat cancer before so i know how much it takes out of you

Damn , that is tough to hear, really wish you the best ! If you did it before you can do it again, no doubt on that.
Best wishes from across the globe, speedy recovery , you got it man.

You have some cards which don't suxx :D

Interested in selling some OTC?

I'd consider buying all your summoners for FIAT, if that's in your interest. Of course depending on what you'd call for that transaction.

I'm worn out from listing tonight. will talk discount on anything left tomorrow.

also have 6 land plots to sell otc

hmkhmay, what offer can you make for them? But selling Land should be very easy, really really easy :D

i wanted to xfer them back t hive-engine, but dont see that as option

edited: I repositioned my offer after a second look at the market
I'll take 200 usd /plot in xmr, hive, or hbd

🤔, that‘s a good price. You can give me your preferred payment method via HiveChat and I‘d take them.

Haha, that‘s closer to the actual price of the plots :P

I‘d still rather keep my HIVE and pay with Monero. You know how to use HIVE Chat?

looks easy enough