Splinterlands - Completing The Water Quest

I'm back with my latest attempt to finish my daily Splinterlands quest. Today, it's the water quest. I'm slowly increasing my card pool. Thanks to a generous person, I even have my very own Furious Chicken.

Don't mess with the chicken

The Water Quest means I have to win five battles using a water summoner. If I accomplish that, I get a prize. With four wins under my belt, I was hoping to win this match and collect that prize. The battlefield looked like this...


This battle was another close one. My opponent put Centauri Mage in the first position. This monster has retaliate, but it only retaliates against ranged attacks. Fortunately, I didn't use a ranged attacker.

I eventually pulled out the win with only my Serpent Of Eld left. That card once again proved to be by Most Valuable Monster. In a serendipitous twist, my reward for completing my daily quest was...a Centauri Mage.

To watch the battle, click HERE!

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Your current Rank (109) in the battle Arena of Holybread has granted you an Upvote of 64%

How funny that you ended up winning the mage after all that!

Those chickens are hella useful. My favorite is using it for the equalizer rounds (when combined with healing - it can kick some serious tailfeather).


That chicken is dynamite! I noticed the healing was +4. Is that something at higher levels? My healers only give +2.

I think the tank healing amount is mostly due to the monster's level but also feel the rarity of the card has a part of it as well.

The battle I shared had the Equalizer rule-set. My opponent's monsters all had max 15 health and mine had 14. Their tank heal was a level 6 common Wood Nymph. Mine was a level 3 legendary Corrupted Pegasus.

In rounds 2-4 & 6, their Wood Nymph healed their Peaceful Giant tank +5. In rounds 5 & 7, it healed their tank +4. (The Wood Nymph died in the 8th round.)

In all of the rounds of the battle aside from the first one where my Furious Chicken only took 3 damage, my Corrupted Pegasus healed my tank chicken (love typing that) +4.

Curious, I battled this morning and noticed that my Corrupted Pegasus was only healing my tanks +3. I haven't had the Equalizer rule-set again so I thought maybe that was why it had healed more.

Then I noticed fluctuations in tank healing amounts with other monsters. Sometimes my Level 5 rare Beetle Queen healed +3 and others +4 (and those weren't with the Equalizer so it wasn't the rule-set making the difference).

Using my level 1 common Wood Nymph in battle showed the same variance. Sometimes healing +2 and sometimes +3. I think there is some kind of programmed randomized percentage involved.

A little while ago I lost a battle that had a level 6 common Crustacean King who was healing +6 and +5. Got my ass handed to me. It's totally worth it to level up those healers. ;^)

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