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RE: Splinterlands Continues to Fly

in #splinterlands4 years ago

So all of this being said, you guys need to hurry up and start releasings some more cards/nft's to accomodate the massive growth. With a limited supply already it is putting a cramp on the little guys out there while the rich get richer. Yeah it's great for second hand card values and those renting but it isn't very appealing cost wise for the newcomers trying to fight there way to higher leagues and once the "having to maintain" rule goes into play regarding seasonal rewards it will be even harder since that the power level will need to be maintained by renters to collect rewards for levels achieved. Sorry to throw a wet blanket on a success story, I hope this thing goes to the moon, but just try to remember to take as many as possible with you when you leave orbit!


You have to remember, we've never seen this type of exponential growth. It's a learning experience and one that changes what they are doing all the time. The Splinterlands has been very good at producing things in appropriate quantities to have balance in the game. Such exponential growth completely throws off their calculations when they were originally designing the new cards. Be patient! We all are in the same boat, even if you've played the game for years like I and others or you are a new user. It's better to have thought it out sufficiently than run into supply issues very soon after you release something.