Bring me not a feeble knife,
A bow or crooked lance,
For blasting is my way of life,
And leaving naught to chance.
-Grenadiers' Creed

Splinter - Anumün - Neutral
Set - ΛZMΛRÉ Dice
Class - Ranged Blaster
Size - The gang of thieves-turned-soldiers that have become known as Grenadiers were originally called the Fist of Nob. They were the largest organized group of thieves in the Earth Splinter, and they accepted all types of people and races into their organization. Grenadiers come in many different sizes, because they are made up of goblins, humans, orcs and others. Frankly, the size of their grenades’ explosions are not dependent on the person throwing them to be large or strong. In essence combat, smaller-framed Grenadiers are preferred because they are more difficult to hit.
Lifespan - Even though they come from a dangerous background of raiding caravans and thieving from anyone with treasure, the Grenadiers are cautious in battle, always protecting themselves and their fellows. The Fist of Nob always educated their members in battle tactics, field management and survival skills, seeing them each as having great value and never wanting to lose a member of the Fist. These ideas have now transferred to the Grenadiers, who are available for hire and can always be found at a desert camp near Mount Mox. Because of the importance of each Grenadier looking out for one another, they rarely experience any casualties in their mercenary duties, which will allow them to all live long, uninterrupted lives in the Praetorian land.
Weapon - When the Fist of Nob discovered the ancient power of grenades, they renamed their group to be centered around their weapon of choice. To them, the grenade is more than a weapon; it is a way of life. The Grenadiers earned this power by sacking an exquisitely wealthy Lyverian caravan two years ago. There were enough seed coins in the robbery for them all to have comfortably retired from thieving and lived their lives out in comfort, but the group voted to create a new weapon with the help of Gobson engineers to achieve their greater unknown mission. The chief engineers of Gobson helped the leaders of the Fist for many months to develop their POWder explosive technologies into a unique throwable weapon. This collaboration was a secret to greater Gobson, whose residents never wished to share their POWder secrets with outsiders. Ancient Lyverian texts say that thousands of years ago, wizards used mighty weapons called grenades on battlefields throughout the world. Those are the stories after which they modeled their new throwable weapon, which causes explosive proximity damage wherever it lands when thrown. The grenades are small enough for each Grenadier to carry a dozen or more into battle.
Habitat - The thieves in the Fist of Nob thought they would never leave their home of Anumün. Targets for raids were always plentiful there, and they could live off of nature without relying on visits to a city such as Lyveria, where most of them hailed from originally. Once they renamed themselves to the Grenadiers, the band migrated as one to Praetoria, where they could live as hireable mercenaries near the great Arena at Mount Mox.
Diet - Grenadiers will eat what they can find. The group has always contained a number of skilled hunters, so they usually had access to meats in Anumün. Now that they live in Praetoria, there are fewer options and they must travel further to find hunting grounds or forests rich in vegetation. The Grenadiers hope that by completing enough mercenary tasks, they will be able to purchase their own land in a Praetorian forest. To have a home that they own would mean that they could farm, hunt and harvest whatever natural resources of the forest they need.
Allies - For a band of thieves from the wilderness of Anumün, the Fist of Nob was always highly diplomatic. They remember those for whom they do jobs, and anyone who has granted them a favor in the past will always have their protection. In Anumün they were so well known that a common Lyverian custom was to find them in the wild and submit oneself for service. Once a nobleman completed a service for the Fist of Nob, he would be given a special coded flag to attach to his wagon. Then he could be confident that his family would be safe against their highway raids forever. Since their migration to Praetoria, the Grenadiers have already performed many jobs and made lots of new friends. They are also recruiting new members at an uncanny rate, and their total numbers are now in the hundreds.
Enemies - The Fist of Nob keeps does not share the identities of their enemies as a rule, but some obvious observations can be made. They have always been enemies of the Lyverian state, but not the Lyverian people. It is the aristocracy to which they object, and they are always happy when Lyverians renounce their heritage to join their band of thieves. Generally speaking, they have no trust for the rich, even though outsiders tend to think that they have ambitions of being rich themselves. Had this been true, the score that allowed them to fund the creation of their grenades would have set them all for life. The Grenadiers have also openly declared enmity with the bank of Neoxian. They are watched closely by the Dragon Banker via his spies, but they have never been caught attempting to rob any of his banks.
Pastimes - Grenadiers enjoy many leisure activities, for they are rarely working. Many of them play instruments, and those who are not musical or creative in some craft spend all their extra time training battle techniques and sparring with their fellows using various weapons from all around the Splinterlands. The Fist of Nob used to throw massive parties in the fields near the Southern Gob Hub of Anumün. These parties have gone down in history for the record numbers of people who would attend, and everyone was welcome to attend. Now the parties of the Grenadiers are hosted on the open dunes of the Southern desert of Praetoria, where they have set up camp. Because there is no danger of causing fires, they have built elaborate shows of pyrotechnics using variations of the technology with which they build their grenades. Since moving to Praetoria, the Grenadiers have held nearly a dozen of these parties, each one bigger than the last. Now they have become so large that the Gloridax masters are vexed, noticing that the Grenadier events siphon a fair amount of guests from the Moxian tournaments.

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