🤓The Challenge🤓
- You MUST answer the following questions correctly in the comment section to enter the RANDOM DRAWING.
- What monster has blast, piercing, retaliate and trample, but only one health at max level?
- What is the total mana of all the "Silvershield" named monsters?
- Who is the infamous Goblin inventor who created the Harverster?
- Also include a picture/gif of ANYTHING (safe for work, please).
Note: Entries sharing identical answers AND images will be disqualified. Everyone MUST USE A DIFFERENT PICTURE for their entry to count.
Thoughts from Carrie: You guys! I LOVE the pics you include in your answers! LOVE THEM! Sometimes you have me snort-laughing while going through them. 🤣 Thanks for the fun!-😍carrieallen
Deadline to enter: When this post pays out. I'll announce the winners and the new questions every other week.
Prizes: Winners will be chosen by RANDOM drawing. Each will receive 1 Booster Pack.
Places to find answers
- Splinterlands.com - There are little bits of lore on each card, along with a LOT of information. All of which will be fair game.
- Splinterlore.com - This is the official lore site for the Splinterlands.
- Splinterlore Blog - Publish0x - This is where you'll find in-depth profiles of each character. More being added regularly!
- Peakmonsters.com & MonsterMarket.io - These are a couple of excellent secondary markets run by the community. While our intention is to focus on lore, it's very possible I'll throw in some random stat questions. If I do, look here. 😎
Good luck!
March 5th Answers & Winners!
Shin-lo and the Mighty Dricken
Who is Mimosa Nightshade's mother?
Theorosa Nightshade
Where was Rusty Android first found?
Making friends with the locals in a tavern in Lyveria.
👉Quick Draw Winners👈
You each win TWO Booster packs!
🌟 xawi 🌟 jfang003 🌟 stokjockey 🌟
Plus 7 Random Winners!
Reminder: On off weeks you can win more Booster Packs in the Live Telegram Trivia Contest!
Rewards for this post are burned.
Ans 1 : Exploding Dwarf
Ans 2 : 34
Ans 3 : Protax Funklyborg
Ans1 : Exploding Dwarf
Ans2: 34
Ans3: Protax Funklyborg
Ans1 : Exploding Dwarf
Ans2: 34
Ans3: Protax Funklyborg
2.6+4+2+5+1+7+9=34 total mana
3.Protax Funklyborg
Q1 : Exploding Dwarf (Level Max)
Q2: Total 34
Q3: Protax Funklyborg
1/ the exploding dwarf
2/ 34 mana total
3/ protax funklyborg
Thank you for the pack!
Thank You for the Two Booster Packs I Won in the Last Contest @splinterlands
numero 1) : Exploding Dwarf
numero 2): 34
numero 3): Protax Funklyborg
Don't have nice images on my phone, so here's a screenshot of starting the app :D
Exploding Dwarf
34 Mana
Protax Funklyborg
My digital drawing of a manticore
Dude! That's awesome!
1--->Exploding Dwarf
3--->Protax Funklyborg
1 - It`s the Exploding Dwarf
2 - The total MANA is 34
3 - The inventor is Protax Funklyborg
Number 1. The Exploding Dwarf
Number 2. Total mana 34
Number 3. Protax Funklyborg
The Exploding Dwarf
Protax Funklyborg
1: Exploding Dwarf
2: 3 Mana
3: Protax Funklyborg
Exploding Dwarf
¿Cuál es el maná total de todos los monstruos llamados "Escudo Plateado"?
Total 34
¿Quién es el infame inventor Goblin que creó el Harverster?
Protax Funklyborg
fist 1 creator name is : Exploding Dwarf
second 2 total mana is : 34
third 3 : name is : Protax Funklyborg