Splinterlands API Updates

Anyone directly using the Splinterlands APIs should please take note of the following planned updates and changes. These updates will go into effect no sooner than 7 days from the date of this post. They should not affect any players interacting with the game through the Splinterlands website or mobile web application.

Phasing Out steemmonsters.com APIs

We will be phasing out the steemmonsters.com domain for all API access. We recommend that anyone using steemmonsters.com for API calls switch to game-api.splinterlands.com instead as soon as possible.

The api.splinterlands.io and game-api.splinterlands.io domains may also be used and will remain active and up to date.

Please note that this change only applies to API access, and that players will still be able to access the game website through the steemmonsters.com domain name.

Removing the /tournaments/set_team_select_timer API Endpoint

Initially when the anytime tournaments were first released, the /tournaments/set_team_select_timer API endpoint was used to start the next battle in the tournament. This was quickly replaced by the sm_start_match custom_json operation so that this data would be available on the blockchain.

The sm_start_match operation requires the same id parameter as the /tournaments/set_team_select_timer endpoint it replaces, which should be set to the battle queue ID of the tournament battle to start. An example of the JSON data for the sm_start_match operation is as follows:

{ "id": "sm_ZLhFvZnNlbiOqFem8t6K" }

We have noticed that a number of scripts are still using the /tournaments/set_team_select_timer endpoint, so they will need to update to publishing the the sm_start_match operation to the Hive blockchain instead before these changes go into effect.

Removing Prefix from Operation Names

While all game-related operations published to the blockchain require the sm_ prefix before the operation name, our API endpoints show the operation name in the "type" property without the prefix for some of the newer operations in the game.

Going forward we will be updating all of the old operations so that the "type" parameter returned by the various API endpoints will no longer include the sm_ prefix as well so it will be consistent across all operations.

This change will only apply to the data returned by API endpoints such as /transactions/lookup and /transactions/history. Operations published to the blockchain will still need to include the sm_ prefix in the ID of all operations, as normal.

This change is planned to happen slowly over time as we update each old operation, so we recommend that any code that checks the type property for transactions returned by the Splinterlands APIs check for values both with and without the prefix.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will go to @steem.dao (the Hive Development Fund account) to support the ongoing development of the Hive platform.


where is the offical api doc? I can't find it, may I have the url ?