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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Split Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League

A number of players have asked for more data relating the the proposed ranked battle reward changes above. The following table shows the number of unique accounts and % of total SPS earned by league and battle format over the past week (8/24 - 8/31):

ModernPlayers% of SPSWildPlayers% of SPS

As you can see, the most glaring issues are in the Modern format battles. The goal of these changes is to encourage more players to buy/rent higher level cards and participate in the higher leagues rather than spread out across a large number of accounts in lower leagues.

One of the most important things for voters on the governance proposal to note is that even if this change gets approved and implemented, it does not mean that it's set in stone forever. As with anything, if it doesn't have the intended effect and/or anything needs to be tweaked, then we will listen closely to the community and put up new proposals for additional changes going forward.

In the future we also plan to propose additional changes that build on top of this base. For example rather than fixed reward pool sizes per league/format, they could be dynamic based on the number of players or other factors. We are also looking at proposing changes to the collection power system or other ways to help properly group players into the appropriate leagues.


Players in the higher leagues should be rewarded more than the lower leagues, period end of statement. The bottom line is it takes more capital, time, strategy and skill to get to the higher leagues so players who get there should be rightfully rewarded. It also gives newer and existing players a goal. If you want more rewards buy/rent better cards and fight/grind your way up the ladder.

I think this is a horrible Idea. It can lead to a lower league being more viable than a higher league. Look at modern, bronze right now: With the numbers you propose, bronze players would get more rewards (10%/50000) than silver players (15%/110000). What a punch in the face if you just spent hundreds of $ to get your silver summoners etc. just to find out that it's overcrowded and you actually get less now... (i know chests are better...but still what a fail that would be)

It can't be that just because more people come in and spend more money to get to silver or gold, all the players already there will get diminishing returns because their league is becoming overpopulated.

Please look at competitive games with working mmr/elo ranked systems, where does the majority of players (the casuals) end up? silver/gold. And yes it's a bit different here (towards pyramid) because of the paywalls between leagues, but even your numbers here suggest this is how it's gonna be.

This is gonna lead to "either bronze or diamond+" situation where you kill incentive to rank up to the populated middle class.

If you think diamond and champion need better rewards, then start by increasing rewards for champion wins by 15% and diamond by 10% or whatever, but don't experiment with the sledgehammer like this. This a step backwards towards a ridgid and primitive system that would need constant adjustment depending on the amount of players in each league etc. And changing league depending on where the rewards will be best depending on the reward pool and population is only feasible for players with (a) loads of money to spare or (b) automation (splitting accounts, rental bots/assist...)

Also: How many of the people voting actually read this and understand the severity of these changes? because the title of the proposal ingame does not reflect this at all.

Thanks for giving us the numbers so we can have a better idea to base our vote decision.

Well I think the big problem here is you made modern include Untamed which has some of the most overpowered Summoners in the game. Therefore new players aren't interested in levelling CL up because they'll get smashed anyway.
Honestly, changing the term 'Modern' to represent just CL, RW and related Reward cards would see a much more competitive format IMHO.
And I'm 100% sure people would be 'pushing and shoving' to upgrade cards to compete for the higher rewards. But sadly CL summoners are no match for the Untamed ones, so why bother.

The problem is while the new system is in effect, it will increase and consolidate SPS power with the whales (champion players) disproportionally to everyone else. This will make any secondary vote to change what is beneficial to them, but not necessarily the economy/new player experience that much harder to pass.

"The goal of these changes is to encourage more players to buy/rent higher level cards"

Am I the only one getting tired of hearing this statement? You're not encouraging people to play in higher leagues, you're stripping all the rewards from the lower leagues so they don't have any other option unless they want to stop earning or exit the game.

Thank you for being forthcoming with the current numbers. It does foster a sense of trust and teamwork the more transparent things are. I have to assume the total number of battles in each league led to the disparities we see? I cant make sense of the 38% gold in wild vs 13% in modern unless the wild players simply played a massive amount of battles?

Thanks for this, with this follow up data, I think I can vote to agree for this proposal and hope we can further adjust it in the future.

The earning potential per league could have some conditions like in sps staked base limits (e.g. in bronze league since its almost the entry and training area/level, they can earn 50% - 75% of what they can fully earn even without staking sps and will increase earnings upto 100% of what it is base on staked sps earning condition in bronze. In silver, they will earn 40% - 60% if they do not meet the required sps staked then just increase to maximum if conditions are met and so on for higher leagues. Something like that.

I appreciate the numbers @yabapmatt. This makes my vote a yes a well. I still think the proposed numbers need a tweak (specifically treating diamond and/or gold players to a similar % as the champion level) but overall it is an important improvement from the current system.

Made it waaay easier to vote "yes" now. Thank you!

Why only the data from the last week of a season ?
Why not from a full season ?
It's clear that in the last week of a season their are much more player in Champions League than after rating reset, so it would be better to see the data for a whole season not only for the part where the most player could join champions league already.

Well, we don't have a full season of SPS rewards yet. 8/24 was the first full day with SPS rewards. It was implemented mid day on 8/23 (US eastern time).

Thank you for putting the numbers here

so you plan to increase the rewards of the diamond/champion players tenfold, modern champion even thirtyfold. and you completely ignore how much more they already get through the boxes?

I don't think we've "ignored" anything. We want to encourage as many players to get into diamond and champion league as possible. That will help increase the scarcity and value of the assets considerably which should benefit everyone at every league.

What ever happened to the requiring staked SPS to earn? I'm really surprised you launched SPS rewards without that requirement?

You may be right. But did you stop to think that by lowering the rewards for low end players you might effectively be hampering their chance of success? Let's continue to reward the rich and strike the poor? Well Some of us don't have the resources to compete with those who do. So the gap between the whales and the noobs are widening even more. Why do we have to increase the rewards for anyone? just make the rewards even % of the pool. And then if the pool runs out because there's too many in bronze, THAT will incentivize them to move up. And I have a couple thousand invested in this game. So please don't misunderstand where i'm coming from. I'm thinking of legit new players struggling to make it in the game much less enjoy it.

I think it's important to note that "they" don't plan to do anything. They offered the idea to the community and everyone is free to vote on the proposal. If you don't like the proposal, you can throw your staked SPS into the ring and vote against it, and in case there is enough opposition, it won't be implemented.

I'm a silver modern player and all I see this doing is reducing my rewards making the investment I put in worth less and making it harder for me to advance. It also consolidates more SPS wealth to whales. So the rich will have even more power to influence proposals.