Congratulations and welcome!
Welcome to the Splinterlands, new Battle Mage, and welcome to the vast world of play-to-earn. We believe that you will find a pleasant home here, a beautiful and supportive community, and a treasure trove of resources that will equip you with the knowledge and the power to find the adventures and rewards you truly deserve.

By upgrading your Splinterlands account with the purchase of your Summoner Spellbook, you have created your very own account on the HIVE blockchain. The usefulness of this blockchain account does not stop at Splinterlands, but opens the gate to an entire world of learning, growing, and most importantly, earning.
Here you’ll find all necessary information to get your journey with HIVE and Splinterlands started on the best path. Reading these words carefully will benefit you greatly for years to come.
The HIVE Blockchain
Splinterlands is built upon a blockchain called HIVE, which grants many great powers to its users. The most important of these to a Splinterlands player is their ability to buy, sell and earn Splinterlands assets.
A blockchain account comes with a built-in wallet. Because they hold real money by acting as ledgers, great measures must be taken to keep HIVE wallets secure. For this reason, the most important subject of Account Keys shall first be discussed.
Account Keys
When your Splinterlands account is new, your account keys will be held and kept safe by Splinterlands. They will not be released to you until you manually request them, once you are certain that you are ready and understand the power that you hold by doing so. We recommend you read this entire guide before requesting your account keys. Once you have requested them, you must keep them in multiple safe locations. After this request is made, Splinterlands will no longer be able to recover access to your account based on your user name and email address. The account will be yours alone, as will be keeping it secure.
Request Your Keys: If you did NOT choose to request your keys when you upgraded you can at any time under your name in the SETTINGS menu. You will be sent an email to the address you signed up with with a one-time link that is active for only 24 hours. You may only request your keys ONE TIME.
Keeping Keys Safe: We suggest you write down your keys and store them in multiple locations. You can also install the HIVE Keychain Extension. It's free software to help manage your keys. If you are familiar with MetaMask on ETH it's much like that but built for the HIVE blockchain.

Once installed you'll be prompted to secure it with a memorable password. After that, we suggest you transfer in your HIVE blockchain Master password.
Keychain does NOT save your Master password, but instead breaks it down into the 3 keys you use on the HIVE blockchain: a Posting Key (for any social media), an Active Key (for any transfer of value), and a Memo Key (to encrypt and decrypt private messages to your account. You can copy one or all of them.
Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a HIVE blockchain account! There are many things you can do to interact on the HIVE blockchain with more always being created. Below you'll find some helpful resources to get you started.
The Blogging Platforms: There are several interfaces that utilize the HIVE blockchain for rewarding creators and curators for simply posting and upvoting content.
HIVE.blog & Peakd.com are the main 'catch all' blog sites. Here you are able to see all sorts of topics from art to baking, from defi to Splinterlands, and so many things in between.
Splintertalk.io is a special place for ONLY Splinterlands content. Creators (and curators) can also earn SPT (SplinterTalk Token) by posting from this interface OR posting on any of the other interfaces and tagging "SPT". If you post on Hive.blog or Peakd.com and tag "SPT" your post will also show up on Splintertalk.io. Be sure to check Splintertalk regularly for valuable content, tips and tricks!
Official Splinterlands HIVE Blog - Splinterlands updates come directly from lead developer and co-founder Matt Rosen and are found here. There are also regular contests posted here where you can earn prizes and more!
Peakmonsters.com - Peakmonsters is the original secondary market for Splinterlands. It was created by the same people who developed Peakd.com, the leading interface for the HIVE blockchain. Here you can make bulk purchases, create bundles or sets of cards to sell, and even rent or lease your cards to earn a passive income.
Hive-Engine.com - Hive-Engine is one of the most important secondary markets for Splinterlands. It is a decentralized exchange (DEX) where you can trade tokenized Packs, Land, Dark Energy Crystals and more. Use this guide to learn more about Hive-Engine.
The Community
Like with most things, playing with friends is more fun than playing alone. Splinterlands is no different! While you can participate and earn rewards entirely on your own, you may find you need a little help or just want to brag about your winnings. The Splinterlands community is welcoming and helpful. Below you'll find the most important places to get connected.
Discord - This was the first and is still the largest Splinterlands community. Here you are able to connect with other players, the developers, and the Splinterlands team. You can also quickly get help from Tech Support if you have issues. Don't hesitate to ask your questions in general chat, as the players are ready and willing to make your experience the best it can be.
Telegram - Telegram is another place to hang out with fellow Splinterlanders, brag about your winnings, and strategize together. While still growing, this group is filled with great people from all over the world, and they are always willing to lend a hand.
Twitter - Following us on Twitter will ensure you stay in the know on all the happenings and never miss an update.
Youtube - Looking for the most recent AMA with the founders? Or a video how-to on DEC? Find that here!
Interacting and Earning
You're now ready to start earning! Let's quickly go through the basics.
Navigation Bar
SHOP - Here you're able to purchase PACKS, LAND, POTIONS, DICE, and SKINS.
OPEN - This is where your potions and packs are stored and where you can open, send or tokenize them to hive-engine. (Only packs can be tokenized, not potions.)
MARKET - Need individual cards to level up? This is the place! Splinterlands’ peer-to-peer marketplace is where you can list your own cards and buy others!
CARDS - YOUR COLLECTION - Under this tab you'll find all of your cards. Use the drop down menus to view PLAYABLE, OWNED, ALL CARDS, FOR SALE, LEASED OUT, LEASED TO ME, or ON ETHEREUM. In the top right you'll also notice an INVENTORY section. Click on the sack (OTHER) to find a list of ALL ITEMS you own, including LAND. You can get more, transfer, or tokenize your items here.
BATTLE - You can play RANKED matches (against real life opponents) and earn DEC, CHALLENGE friends (doesn't count against your ranking), LEARN how to play, and PRACTICE. This is also where you'll find your DAILY QUESTS, BATTLE LOG, TOP BATTLES, LEADER BOARD and more!
EVENTS - Tournaments are a place to battle and earn, or to promote the product, company or service of your choice! Anyone can create a tournament! Keep an eye on this page for more ways to win.
GUILDS - Want to be a part of a club with added bonuses? Check out the GUILDS page for more information. Anyone can create a guild, or you can ask to join one from the extensive list of already active Guilds.
FAQ - Got more questions? Here you'll find the answers!
What to spend and how
CREDITS - Credits are the in game currency. You can purchase CREDITS to be used to buy items in the shop and marketplace. You can buy them with PAYPAL or dozens of different cryptocurrencies.
DARK ENERGY CRYSTALS - DEC are the most valued resource in the Splinterlands. You earn these by winning battles. DEC can be used to buy DICE (or the special promotional packs of the time), and many other items in the shop and marketplace. These are also able to be transferred to another player, traded externally on hive-engine, or sent to multiple cryptocurrency wallets. CREDITS cannot be transferred out or sent to other players.
Are fantastical back stories your thing? Then look no further! Here you'll find where you can get lost in the lore of the Splinterlands.
Splinterlore.com - Splinterlore is the site that houses links to in depth character profiles, maps of the Splinterlands and a viewable 200+ page encyclopedia. Plus, you can pursue winning artwork from community members over the last few years!
Splinterlore Publish0x Blog - Publish0x is another blockchain blogging site where card profiles are shared. You can also get updates on all things Splinterlands through our Splinterlands Publish0x Blog.
Splinterlore Twitter - Follow us here for your "Card of the Day", poems, sneak peaks, and games!
It is Time.
Great Warrior! You are now equipped to ride off into the sunset and battle for riches!
Come back to this guide when feeling lost and confused. May your strategies outwit your opponent’s and may your victories always earn you the greatest rewards!

Very good! I've been playing for almost 2 months, and I'm loving all the ways from the internal game winnings, as well as the gains on the Hive / Peakd Blog. I publish in the Portuguese language to facilitate the community that seeks that language.
Great primer. I also use the season report card generator and the Reward card tracker.
Also the new wiki is coming along nicely. (All player made/unofficial tools/sites)
I just bought a spellbook. Don't know how to proceed further! 😫
Hi :)
Go here and click PLAY TUTORIAL.
It will walk you through gameplay.
Have fun!
Falarei em português, esse guia ficou incrivel, parabéns, nossa comunidade precisava de algo assim.
E muitos jogadores iniciantes como eu, ainda tem duvidas, obrigado pelo suporte.