Guild Brawls Are Coming!

The Splinterlands team is excited to announce that the Guild Brawls feature has been released and the first brawl is scheduled to start on Monday, April 5th, at 10 AM ET / 14:00 UTC!

Special thanks to @cryptomancer who single-handedly performed all of the development work for the Guild Brawls feature as well as to @nateaguila who led the graphics and UI design.

What is a Brawl?

Brawls are frenzied, wild, in-your-face Guild vs. Guild arena combat! Kind of similar to Anytime tournaments but with several guilds all facing off against each other. And more emphasis on teamwork with your guildmates rather than rewarding individual performance.

Brawls will be released in phases with more functionality gradually being layered on over time. The first phase which has just been released will include a new guild building, the Arena:

For performing well in Brawls, guilds will be rewarded with CROWNS. These are a special, non-transferable, non-tradeable guild currency which will allow the guild to upgrade the arena and other future buildings as well as to be able to purchase items for the guild in the upcoming guild shop.

Brawl Cycles

Brawls follow a repeating 3 day cycle, similar in some ways to ranked play seasons, with each subsequent brawl starting 1 hour later than the previous brawl so that brawls will rotate between all of the different time zones. Each 3 day cycle is split into 3 phases, and each phase is 24 hours long.

  • Phase 1 - Prep Stage: In this phase, guild members decide which Frays they would like to join before the combat starts. A Fray is analogous to Anytime tournament groups, except each Fray has different level limits, card editions, and allowed foils. So you can pick Frays that are best suited to your play style and individual strengths.

  • Phase 2 - Combat Stage: This stage is similar to a traditional Anytime tournament. You'll have 24 hours to select teams for all your battles, and you will fight the players in other guilds who also joined the same Fray.

  • Phase 3 - Results Stage: Once the combat is over, you can see the results of the Brawl - how guilds performed relative to one another, and how many CROWNS each guild won. In this stage you can decide if you want to spend any of your guild's winnings on building upgrades, or adjust settings for the next Brawl cycle.

How to Participate

To participate in a brawl, a guild must have at least a level 1 Arena building. The Arena building can be constructed by guild members contributing 10k DEC and then requires both DEC and CROWNS in order to level up beyond that.

Once a guild has an Arena, then the leader or officers can click on the "Settings" button in the Brawl tab and set the brawls status to "Active". When the brawl starts, all guilds that have built an Arena and have set their brawl status to "Active" will be entered into the brawl.

Guild leaders or officers can set their brawl status to "Inactive" at any time which means that the guild will not participate in new brawls until it is set back to "Active", even if they have built the Arena building.

Brawls Phase 2

The next phase of Guild Brawls will add two more new guild buildings - the Barracks and the Shop.

The Barracks will provide unique bonuses to all guild members at each level that will increase their chances of emerging victorious in the guild brawls. It is not required for guilds to upgrade their Barracks at all, however guilds that do not upgrade their Barracks will be at a disadvantage when battling guilds with higher level Barracks in the brawls. Please note that Barracks bonuses will apply to guild brawl battles only.

The Shop will allow the guild leader or officers to purchase items using the Crowns that the guild has won in guild brawls. All items purchased in the guild shop will be owned by the guild and apply their benefits to all members.

Initially, the primary items available in the guild shop will be special "gladiator" cards, which will be more powerful than the existing monster and summoner cards but that can only be used in guild brawls.

Various other items are also planned to be added into the guild shop in the future, and a number of those items may also provide significant bonuses to all guild members in other areas of the game including the land expansion, similar to how the Quest Lodge building provides all guild members with a DEC bonus for winning ranked battles and a discount on certain items in the in-game shop.


Splinterlands Discord Server for all brawl-related feedback.As always, we value player feedback very highly and look forward to hearing from all of you about what you like, what you don't like, and your suggestions and ideas for changes or additional features. We have set up a #brawls channel in the

Let the Brawling Begin!

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will be burned.


You've smashed this one, @cryptomancer. You're an asset to the game, and we're proud to have you in the Roaring Twenties.

Thanks, it's a very exciting day for all of us to see Brawls released and will be fun to see how the guilds do as the first few Brawls kick off!

Likewise proud to be part of the Roaring Twenties guild and looking forward to the guild's success in Brawls!

looking forward to it!

Interesting we'll have to wait longer...

Ohhh this seems sooo cool!!!!! Can't wait to get in the battle with my guildmates!!!

It's amazing, can't wait for monday!

Great video and especially Play it very fast.

Interesting battles between guilds. I will try it as soon as I can.
Thanks for the developer and Splinterlands for this great work.

This brawls feature will really start the competitions going on with the guilds. I know the guild that i'm in called. lvlup spartans we are all ready for the challenge.



Yeaha!! This is awesome news! @clove71 or anyone, I've already crafted a translation of this article into German. Comment me here or DM me on Telegram or Discord #0085 (both with similar user names), if you want to publish this other than just me on my own on my blog.

BTW: Our Guild is Team Self-Directed Education and the arena is sure to be build at the beginning of the first brawl!

the IMMORTAL ARMY will meet you all on the battlefield
its genna be fun!

You mean the Mortal Army that is currently the eighth place guild? Please! Meet us (Peakmonsters [Premiere]) first!

(and let the trash talk begin 😁)

I can not wait to start brawling