As we announced in this post: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update the second phase of the Collection Power update is scheduled to be released tomorrow, September 1st, at around 12 - 1 PM ET (4 - 5 PM UTC).
This phase will begin using the collection power as an additional factor in determining each player's league and therefore the amount of Loot Chests they will be eligible to earn for quest and season rewards.
The "battle" screen in the game will be redesigned as follows to show this additional information:
In the top right section it shows that in order to reach the next league you will need to achieve both the required number of rating points and the required collection power. The league details popup has also been updated to indicate the collection power required to reach each league and tier.
If a player has a high enough rating to enter into the next league but not a high enough collection power, then as soon as their collection power is increased enough the next league will be unlocked. Similarly, if at any time a player's collection power drops below the threshold for their current league, their league will be immediately dropped to the highest available based on the new collection power.
While an account's collection power and league are updated immediately whenever there is a change in the account's collection, the collection power and league used for determining daily quest rewards will not include any cards which have been transferred or delegated within the past 24 hours. This is required to prevent players from being able to shuffle a group of cards around to multiple accounts in order to claim higher quest rewards.
There will be a short downtime for the game while the update is being released, and during that time any players who are currently in a higher league than their collection power allows will have their league adjusted to the highest level available based on their collection power.
We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that renting cards (cards delegated to you from other players) also increases your collection power the same as if you owned those cards in your collection, so if you're interested in upping your collection power quickly and relatively cheaply we highly recommend that you check out the Rental Market!
Phase 3 - League Leaderboards
The third and final phase of the Collection Power update will be the addition of separate season ranked leaderboards for each league. This means that Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond, and Champion leagues will all have their own separate leaderboards, with separate prize pools, to allow players to compete to see who is the best at each league level.
We may also add collection power requirements to enter certain tournaments (based on the league and allowed cards in the tournament) as part of phase 3 or as a small update shortly afterwards.
We expect the league leaderboards to be completed and released within the next month, and more details about it will be posted as it gets closer to release.
Ongoing Changes and Rewards
We have spent many months now working on designing and building the collection power and league leaderboard system. We experimented with multiple different ideas and options and have had many discussions with players and team members in order to provide a balanced and sustainable reward mechanism in the game.
That being said, it's quite possible that we have not gotten everything perfect on the first try. We will watch the results of the update carefully for a season or two after it is released, listen closely to player feedback, and make any adjustments that we feel are necessary.
Additionally, once the final phase (league leaderboards) are released and we have a season or two of that under our belts, we will review the entire reward system in the game and see if there are any areas that should be changed with a particular focus on whether or not rewards can be increased or improved at certain league levels.
Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!
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NOTE: All rewards from this post will go to @steem.dao (the Hive Development Fund account) to support the development of the Hive platform.
This update is really needed, but the important part is also Separate Leaderboards, so I'm looking forward to it. It does not make sense without Separate Leaderboard tbh.
Right now there is no real competition for Bronze, Silver, Gold decks except tournaments. Only maxed out decks can compete for a top position at the season end.
And this is a game, after all, it should be about competition, not about stupid grinding and trying to reach the highest league, which is possible only because of bots and points inflation.
I'm really excited that soon it would be possible to find out who is the best Bronze / Silver / Gold player.
Indeed. Exactly what I was proposing over the past 1.5+ years. They implement almost exactly the same system I have described, with a big difference of explicit p2w feature.
Still not a big fan of the system.
It's not that I don't agree that there's an issue that needs solving. I'm also pretty convinced that the new system will fix most of the issues short term. But long term, it will (in my opinion) hurt Splinterlands growth badly.
What it tells new players is basically "give us more money if you want to progress!". While this statement is obviously true for most CCGs/TCGs, it has never been made so obvious in any game (that I am aware off). Just consider how much explanation has been/is still necessary for the active player base. Right now, we are mostly crypto people, we are used to investing and moving our money around. But mainstream gamers? They'd call it the worst Pay2Win they've ever seen, leave a negative review and move on.
Ultimately, we are creating a huge barrier of entry for the mainstream market with this and I doubt that any explanation in the world could convince the average gamer to even give it a fair shot with this system in place.
So I'm not saying drop the system, I'm not even saying change anything short term. Let's try it and see how it all works out. But once we want to make that push for the mainstream market, we will need a better/other solution than what we have now.
+1 and honestly they would be right about it. I have never seen any game go about the pay2win aspect in such an extreme way where it says 'you have to spend more' before you can get in the next league. No problem when it's done in a way where it almost can't be done because of the difference in power level. Reward restrictions should be separate from league restrictions.
100% Agree, my account is worth approx. $650 and I need to spend at least 80k dec burn value more to unlock champion 3! I honestly don't see why anyone would spend $750 to get into the 3rd top league, I mean what do we have to spend to get into champion 1? $1000 or more? What do we win for spending our $1000 about $1 per day if you're lucky... Not a fan at all, long time splinterlands player and have provided simple solutions to stop bots just like I do every day in my workplace lol... Long term this hurts splinterlands imo
Once you get to 500k you can play any of the champion leagues. I only have 200k and am not looking to spend a lot on the game. I'll keep playing for fun.
500k dec at these prices is 250 usd. So you could start playing in the champions League. But that's not the point, the point is that you should not be playing there in the first place and enjoy the game, which is really fun if you play to similar valued decks. The whole economy of the game is visible and that's a good thing, at least nothing is hidden, and yes you need to invest more if you want to play in a higher league, but I always compare it to formula racing, where you can't compete in f1 with the right car. Just enjoy and play at whatever level you feel comfortable with investing in. Besides that, you can rent cards or even play a delegated deck without having to invest one usd. So many options, just pick the right one for you.
1000 dec should be 1 usd, 500.000 dec should be 500 usd. Atm the dec rate is way lower, almost half, so if you buy 500.000 dec off the market and buy cards with them, you would officially be able to play in the champions league, not something I would recommend, but hey it is possible, a lot of goldfoil sell near dec value.
Sorry dude but 500k doesn't = anywhere close to 500k power, for example my max level summoner dec value is 4850 dec burn rate, the value of the card is $32 lol... Absolutely wrong and I am 100% correct saying you need to invest approx $800 to $1000 to get into champions league... Also renting decks isn't free and is pointless as it will cost you more in 6 months than the cost of buying the cards. I've played for years, pretty clued up on it and yeah I'm done, can't see where the new players will come from, which will lead to lower card values and eventually people unable to sell cards because there's no new players... They've killed the game unless they change things from this method, for example collection value should be used instead...
As a long term player I have been unwilling to invest much money to upgrade cards and advance because of the low lvl account farming. Now with the changes I am finally ready to buy cards knowing that it actually means something to have higher lvl cards.
I agree on that as I actually went from just farming rewards to actually investing in the game myself as well.
That's good - short term. But if we ever want to get the game to the mainstream market it's a problem. Because unlike us crypto guys, the average gamer is looking for a game first, not for an investment opportunity.
I disagree, I think it will help adoption in a big way.
I am new player and I will defenitly stop playing the game. So i guess it wont help in adoption in any way...
Poor people don't help this game anyways lmao They just extract and don't invest. So good riddance. :)
losing players is BAD. for every game. free, freemium, p2w, with a monthly fee....
don't be blind, pls
That's a bad attitude to have... so let's exclude every person that doesn't have $800 to play a stupid game to earn $5 per week... yeah good riddance to my deck and splinterlands more like... 4 year ROI with playing every single day doing every single quest.... wow such good return
I am a huge fan! There is definitely a Splinterlands Culture here. I love this game and everything about it! I can earn money on it in so many different ways! I can post and get upvotes from Splinterlands, I can get a great card in a pack or my loot chests, I can rent cheap cards for pennies a day and win big in tournaments over 143K USD! I can also rent out my cards, sell for a profit, and cash out or even buy a different card I needed. I also love the community here so much, that is a huge part of Splinterlands, The community is simply outstanding! Incredibly generous and passionate about the game. There are many, many hardcore Splinterlands Monsters like myself who live and die by the game!

i share this opinion.
Agree! What they are implementing is almost xactly what I was proposing over the past 1.5+ years. The big difference is the explicit pay2win feature.
What I've learned I should focus on my own projects instead of wasting time on supporting stranger's projects ;)
awesome job Splinterlands team... This is a major upgrade! I know it will take awhile for a few people to understand its positive implications, but for the people that love the game they will see it soon! Very well done and thanks :)
We'll see how this plays out, but I honestly can't say I like the way this reward limitation (which certainly is needed) is being implemented.
Wouldn't it be way better to just lower the rewards in general and give reward bonuses to players who do have higher collection values based on their league? This would be a positive incentive instead of a negative one which is imo way better and allow all players to reach any league they are able to regardless their collection.
This system now basically makes this the only game I know where players are directly being blocked by a paywall with skills being no factor whatsoever. It also takes away all sense of progression for new players who from the start just get the message 'give us more money'. This while the game already had huge issues to convince new players that sign up to give it a fair chance.
I have been keeping close track of my affiliates and should get a good view on the impact by the end of next season. The conversion rate of new sign-ups getting the summoner's spellbook has been 45 out of 157 with most not playing more than 0-1 games.
The retention rate so far has been quite high with most who do give the game a fair chance continuing to play. I anticipate many now will give up on it.
I hope I'm wrong on this,
It might be better to think in terms of a re-investment wall.
If somebody is playing, and doing well in their league, they're going to be winning DEC and cards in chests. That'll get them closer to the next league.
No need to crack open the wallet unless they want to speed up the process.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what it is called as long as the player experience is bad. For existing players at the top, it won't make all too much difference. For new players, the psychology behind this new system is just the worst you can imagine. If I was a new player coming into Splinterlands right now my reaction (if I get passed more than a couple matches because the initial experience is still horrible) would be like stated in a comment above. "worst Pay2Win I've ever seen"
Let's find out together, shall we?
"lets find out together, shall we?"
easy to say when you are on top , but for someone who is about to be pushed to the bottom its a different story, this is not a positive change , this is a pay2win change, when before you had a chance to earn your way now its be stuck at silver for ever unless you spend $400 in cards, before skill and tactics had a part to play and made it challenging , now ? ill be on silver within the hour of season start and stop ... they already neutered the daily rewards ... i already earn more potions than actual cards on dailys and season rewards, which by the way i have no use for.
If you're a quality player in Silver League, then the next change, a month out; will put you on that leaderboard, and speed your progress toward gold with no extra money in.
NB: I got on top by being patient.
I think sm will be more successful appealing to players who will invest money rather than a bunch of bots farming the system anyways.
Realistically from reward cards how long would it take to get from my position now of a deck value $650 and needing min 80k dec burn value.... In diamond 1 as my max level I expect this would take me approx. 8 months to progress without buying the worst cards in the game at burn value, for example Yodin Zaku is $15 per card with what, 200 dec burn rate or something? Terrible idea making any game pay to win
I sold a gfl for approx 100k dec, I then bought a bunch of summoners for that 100k dec and their value was like 12k dec instead of 75k before with my gfl. it does not work out at all.
I feel your pain, my account is supposedly worth around $1150, im in diamond 1 as well, with a collection power of 447k. even if you took all my cards on the market away from the value its still over 1k USD value but cant get past diamond 1....
I'm selling my deck and would suggest you do the same bro, I loved the game but now with these changes to remove bots which actually boosts bots it harms the genuine players like me n you who invest upwards of $750+ and still can't reach the top leagues is insane! The only other game that costs this much to reach the top league is..... oh wait there isn't any!!! (even fifa ultimate team costs less)
In diamond 1 the rewards aren't worth playing for, so I'm out, discontinuing my site and I'm done...
This change is supposed to stop bots yet instead it does nothing to block bots and now the bots in lower leagues will actually get better rewards as they will end up finishing high places in each league...
Absolute joke of a system if you ask me, and I'd already told the devs how to block bots properly without needing to change rewards.... #1. IP limiter #2. Heat Map #3. Limit number of battles you can play each day #4. Hidden invisible recaptcha (no one would see it) #5. Honeypot trap. #6. VPN blocker. These are just a few methods that would easily stop 99% of bots lol.
The devs won't do that because a lot of them use bots. Lol
Wouldn't surprise me...
So if I invest in a VPN service I'm out?
Also, some mobile internet networks popular in various global regions give new IP addresses every time they connect.
There's a tonne of services and games that aren't crypto related that you can't access from a VPN for their own security purposes. You can turn it off to play splinterlands unless you're some tin foil hat wearer that thinks splinterlands team will be tracking your toilet habits because they can see your ip lol!!!
Until they add leaderboards for each tier, I know for myself there isn't much reason to play other than the daily quest and tournaments. There's not much reason to play ranked matches now to progress in rank, so I imagine it will be harder to find a ranked match if others are thinking the same.
"Wouldn't it be way better to just lower the rewards in general and give reward bonuses to players who do have higher collection values based on their league? This would be a positive incentive instead of a negative one which is imo way better and allow all players to reach any league they are able to regardless their collection"
This is the best point so far!
That's how I also see it and I have yet to see a counter-argument. This would basically hurt a bit at the start (just like switching all card rewards to the system where DEC/Potions were included). Everyone would understand that it needs to be done though and afterward nobody would really have a negative feeling about it.
Now everyone is just seeing how they are blocked by a ridiculous paywall.
A new battle screen, exciting!
Well thanks.
I'm trying to get best advantage of the cards I have and I've climbed to champion III at best. Now I'm stuck at gold III.
It's no use to be good, now the point is only in buying more cards. I might just sell all the cards I have and move on from this game.
This is just another method to keep the big accounts big and the small accounts small.
If my skill level and cards can beat the higher power players, who only have higher power because they have paid more money or spent more time playing (.. this second one is an unlikely scenario), then I have earned the right to collect just as many cards as the person who has more cards in their collection.
You're intentionally restricting lower power players who may have higher skills from rightfully earning higher cards simply because they don't have as many cards in their deck.
This is a Terrible update.
That'd be true if it were just one player; the real problem is that the there are thousands of very low value bots who play each other constantly, day and night, and push each other, and the rest of us, up into Champion league.
Probably 1 in 10 of my battles in Champion 1 (at the end of the season) is against a 1 bcx team.
Consider there is people (like me) who makes good teams but not with all splinters, if I am at Champion level but i can only play with fire splinter, my cards will be lvl 1 in that battle. Unless you have check the rest of the deck of that account and all were lvl 1.
In the other hand, bots are easy to spot, just check username-bot ... Also, they play 24/7, always have ECR so low, etc. Bots will continue playing.
That's true. My Death splinter was all very low level for a long time. If Death was the only available team, then my opponent might think all my cards were low.
If there's only one weak splinter, a player/bot should still be able to meet the threshold.
"That'd be true if it were just one player; the real problem is that the there are thousands of very low value bots who play each other constantly, day and night, and push each other, and the rest of us, up into Champion league."
And you couldn't possibly get rid of bots farming rewards? Who can, btw still farm more rewards for the same investment than an actual player just by having multiple accounts.
Nooo we wouldn't want a game with real people rewarded fairly when we can bolster numbers with bot accounts. better to keep the bots, punish the players and then somehow expect the game to expand?
Yea, maybe if the ENMINERS make some more accounts, that's about the only way you'll be onboarding "new users" anymore.
Best of luck with that though.
My experiences are basically the same. I was afraid the limit would too high. Gladly they chose the levels very thoughtfully. I'm fully in favor of the current system.
It is not about what Brains are saying to us, but what we are seeing here. "Bots problem" is placed far from Brains and into lower rewarding regions where for 10 USD paid a player is getting literally zero in return. Also, Leaderboard rewards are meant for bots too, as no human skill can erase rating pts difference coming from playing 24/7 of time.
@mattclarke @bigdizzle91 @fabiyamada
Because bots are played by bigwigs- so of course they won't stop allowing bots. #ijustspeakthetruth
Not all of us with bots are "bigwigs." But you are correct that some of the developers use them.
even if they lie about it
mmm love the project but, Pay2Win?
At the start, I see how the "maverick's" has the monopoly of the game and rewards, and now with this power system basically just people that have money can advance.
Don't like it really.
Matt will tell you to sell your cards if you don't like it.
Coincidentally the Mavericks are the only ones they listen to.
If I spend another $200 or so then I'm a maverick. Think they'll listen to me? Lol
Do you plan on updating the daily quest regard system?

We are now getting the reward based on league not on ranking level:
If I'm going to get only the gold league quest regard, I'm expecting to face only gold level players while completing the quest. Why should I have a diamond level of difficulty for a gold reward?
How much drive do you have to continue playing the game now that you know you are 100% stuck, with ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT unless you shell out massive bucks?
It's a bit unfortunate that seperate leaderboards will still take a couple of weeks. Right now, there's little incentive for the smaller accounts. All they experience is that their rewards are cut. Not good for the morale.
Yup, I feel like the leaderboards have to be implement at the same time so people would be more acceptable to compete in a lower league. At least they can look forward to topping the league for extra rewards. Now, everyone just play at a lower league than they used to with zero upside.
I agree. Perhaps they should have released both changes at the same time?
From champ I to gold II, I feel so motivated to continue playing, lol. What a joke...
What prevents the exploit of battling to a high rank number in a lower league and then delegating cards 24-48 hours before the end of the season?
I did think a 24 hour cool down was too brief TBH!
The delegators power will drop
A controversial topic but ultimately improving the economy and reward system for the better. I am looking out to phase 3, which sounds like the greatest addition for the individual players.

Hmmm I don't understand it so I'll just have to take it for a test run, I assume it will make reward drops better for all of us :P
yeah no... if you get stuck at a low tier like silver you get the same 60-80% potions and the rest a mix of low dec and some cards, this is designed to keep the rich players getting richer and the poor players stuck at the bottom with bots.
So its turning into a pay to play game, no different from most games I guess, we'll see how it goes, at the end of it all its about dem profits
What I find interesting is that people are suddenly calling it a pay to play game, what was is before? A free to play game and harvest tons of monetary rewards out of thin air?
Lol I think the comfortability of the pay to play has rocked them, I mean literally any physical card game you play you need to buy the cards the store isn't handing them out for free
before yes you had to pay 2 bucks to start but besides that with skill alone you could get good cards and go up the ranks, which was the case for me, now i cant get past silver 2 as i refuse to spend hundreds of dollars, guess what ? all the bots are stuck down here with me too so now i get the privilege of dealing with the garbage they refused to deal with, the new rank system fixes nothing and instead passed the bot problem to low level players.
Then you should ban bot. I never used bot but with this update my season reward will get much lower. So I will stay a poor player for longer time.
Yeah, waiting to see what happens is the best approach.
Until the tier based leaderboards arrive, it makes my rewards substantially worse though. If I'm lucky they will only be halved. It also guarantees I'll never work my way into a higher tier.
So my one hope is the competition will be more rewarding...
Nah. It will mean that the majority of good cards will only be rewarded to the rich while the rest get mostly potions as rewards. It's just trickle down economics at its core.
You'll notice only those with high value are excited about this. There is a few "poors" mixed in with it, but those are the people who post about Splinterlands daily and kiss ass for votes. ;-)
"their league will be immediately dropped to the highest available based on the new collection power."
Does this mean the season rewards will also be decreased in future when the league drops?
Huh, that's a good question. Maybe I'll be lucky and still get Gold 1 rewards this season even though I'm being permanently trapped in silver
It will be interesting to see where the bot farms end up after this. There's also the "I win" hands that you can play with 1 BCX cards that I've seen propel players into the Champion tier. Hopefully this update kills a lot of birds with one stone. On the surface it seems like you're taking a page from EA's handbook and putting up a paywall, but for anyone who's played splinterlands for a while it's apparent that there are changes that needed to be made. Hopefully this doesn't scare away too many little fish before they can become whales.
bots will be stuck at the bottom with all the players who cannot spend $400 to pay to advance, this update basically keeps top people at the top with no change to them and the rest of us get permanently banished to the shadow realm with all the bots
yeah the battle power required to advance is pretty heavy-handed. I was not expecting the paywall to be this bad. This update will benefit people who are selling cards the most I reckon. feels like they're killing flies with sledgehammers here.
Some of these bots have well-to-do owners who are willing to invest to keep them leveled up.
I can see some people are not happy about this, but it at least means that most of the bot accounts will make a lot less as they don't have much power. Maybe they will dump what they have and there will be some bargains. I would hope we could at least get more cards in season rewards. The potions are too low value really.
Without being able to use the potions on rewards cards they are pretty much worthless... Especially when at least half of rewards are potions!
half? i had on instance where 80% potions , some dec like realy low amounts and like 1 or 2 cards, and not great cards either like crappy low level ones
If the bots cannot make much then they may give up. With humans it depends on why they play. Some will just enjoy the competition. After all, most people just play games for fun, not profit. Getting the right balance with a game that involves money is tricky. I hope it can survive.
My friend is now hating me.
We shall see how it pans out. They could still change the thresholds.
***I think people are going to be shocked in a good way what this means for the REAL VALUE of their rewards each day and at the end of the season. ***
sure .. earning 80% potions and maybe a card yeah real rewarding ...its easy to say what you just said if you are not the one stuck at the bottom with all the bots.
I ended up selling my smallest account to @vcdragon for $5 because I played every day and was able to advance on skill wkth key cards that I placed before and now it's limited to byzantinists moms basement. My other accounts harvest maybe one card on average now per quest, regardless of league. I get a like 90% potions. The payouts have been cut severely.
They said I wouldn't be in champion league still with my current collection and that I would have to invest more. Well, that wasn't true. I'm still in champion and my level 4s are still beating level 6-8s like before.
How long until they alter the burn rate of gold foil summoners to get rid of people like me who invested wisely?
I'm glad I was able to complete one final quest in gold before being relegated to what I expect will be the bot wasteland (even though I'm human).
I'm going to give the collection tiered system a chance, but I'm really not looking forward to this season... I'm hopeful the challenge will actually increase as the devs predict, but the benefit of that likely won't be enough to offset rewards completely stagnating since the new leaderboards come later.
I really think a smarter and easier first step would have been to make the daily quest rewards constant across all tiers.
We'll see what happens...
I was able to complete a few quests in Diamond last night too, i was in champion last week and i will be in silver when this kicks on i think? i am pretty sure will be stuck with all the bots ....i used to like going past the low level bots and fight actual players at the top , when i lost i knew it was because they were better than me, now i think it will be boring fighting thru Rusian bots 1-40 and Newminers bot 1-60...sigh
So. I'm playing Splinterlands for 5 monthes. I have always reinvested the gain into buying packs.
I finished the last 2 league in Champion II.
We the new system I'm not able to go over Gold II, which is even lower than the diamond league I started the season in.
So I will certainly leave the game, as you do not reward skill anymore.
There was no skill in reaching champ league these last seasons, with my gold level deck (without untamed cards) I reached champ 1, without even having to think or play well, because most accounts were very low level.
Untamed cards are actually quite week in comparison to most recent reward and dices cards. So they don't rely deserves the investment anymore. With the exception of the legendary summoners.
Loot is painful with this collection power plus stupid potions loot. It makes me disappointed with the game. It became less excitement. sorry
Im starting thinking sell all cards while have cost. :(
I think the rewards per league should be increased, people with great investment who are only minor league, do not deserve in silver I only 18 chests, it seems to me that they should increase and improve the rewards in that sense because of the update.
i feel that all the reward changes to the game are done because of bots, but they always end up hurting real players the most. Am i wrong? if you think i am, could you explain me why?
There should be some way to reward skill, because as it stands, there's just more rewards for bigger investors. I competed in Champion 1 in the past two seasons, and now I'm restricted to Diamond 2. You've taking out the emotions and thrill that comes from fighting/beating higher rated players, it's just plain business now.
This update should drastically improve the game. But only with the implication of seperate leaderbords! So please hurry with phase 3, it is enthusiastically anticipated!
This one sucks... Really stupid idea to determinate league due to colection power. It isnt skill game any more.
A great Splinterlands post as always!!

its pretty sad seeing you write this multiple times on each post they make. calm it down fangirl, its fucking embarassing.
I will never calm down as I am a hardcore Splinterlands player for life!
hello, I have been playing this game for almost a year every day and now there is such an update that I played in the silver league a year ago and now. I finished the last seasons in the Chepion League and received 120 chests, and now what's the point of playing at all? to get 10-15 chests and they will contain only potions. and the deck I have assembled is the one that I feel comfortable playing, I believe that it is quite correct to sell the cards I do not need, but according to the new rules, it turns out that you just need to collect cards so that the deck has some kind of power. I don't like it at all !!!
So you think the game will survive if anyone that invests into a silver deck gets the same amount of rewards as a person that invests in a champion deck?
All I am pointing out is (and no matter where I find myself on this scale) is that no system is sustainable that hands out the same rewards to a 2000 usd investment vs a 10usd investment.
@toocurious playing like shit is why they don't finish well.
The buy wall was early setted by levelling summoners cost. But the market crash made them more affordable and bots let player ranking "easy".
Now they rushed this for set a new wall, bots are needed for many reason (they brings $, and filling queque time), there's not a real intenction to stop the bots running at all! They are trying to have them stuck in low lvl ranks.
We can all agree is not healty for game have low rank decks hit top of leaderboard but at same time the low rank decks have to deal with bots while high lvl decks gonna suffer queque time.
As i see the new system pay less (in rewards) player in low rank and have untouched high lvl decks, and at time give more opportunity to bots to rule leaderboards with just 10-20$ (spellbook + cards required for bronze3/silver3). Actualy an empty deck can make 5dec/win and a gold have 20dec/win i see a point sell all cards and have 20 novice bot over 1 gold account. As i see point have a gold deck play in silver and try to beat bots in leaderboard run.
It's hard setup a bot but no dubt they will flood all low-mid ranks and kick out players. it's simple math if i have 100 bot running togheter setted for push one of them prob to meet a normal player who can beat him is low and at same time gaining decs/rewards 100x can push them to next rank in few season. Just scroll on discord bot owern are happy, high investor are happy. Others are crying and packing out (market lose 50%).
I enjoy this game, one of best of this kind, but at same time dont find it worth to be addicted to play 1-2h every day anymore for 0,03$ dec over 100$+ invested. Sure you can have a lucky reward but there's no mention in drop rate change and when you open 150 chest for 2$ is pretty sure you dont have to hope to have 20 with 3.
Anyway if you planing to stop bot abuse the way is simply. HIDE ENEMY NAME/ID dont let bot know the formation sended and who they are facing till match resolved.
I started playing Splinterlands 5 days ago. I played MTG for 20 years, then HS and probably 90% of the digital CCGs ever published; today I have a full time job + wife + kids, so I can't grind 14 hours a day.
I am stuck on bronze 3 because my collection power is like 250 (just purchased the summoner's book) but I should be in silver 1 for my win rating (>1600, still growing). This is just ridiculous.
I hate the "OMG this game will be dead in 2 months" attitude, but pls, listen to me: the best way to kill a game is to fail to attract new players. And with this "collection value" thing Splinterlands will be described as p2w game (or if you are lucky maybe just "a game with BIG paywalls"). I know, every TCG/CCG is a mix of p2w (no cards = no wins) and skill: but putting walls of this entity IMHO is simply a suicide. Now I (and all new players like me) have 2 choices: buying cards with the super-low DEC-rewards of my games (even if i win 70/80% of them), and go to bronze 2 like in 1 month, or open my wallet. I will never do the second because I think this game will be dead really soon without a stream of new players enjoying it and playing it, and with this walls new players will simply stop coming. Check your data.
Please, delete this "collection power thing" or at least change drastically the power needed for progress to the next league... the game is fun and I would like to continue playing it (not paying it). If you have bot-problems just find another way to solve it, captcha or whatever you want (the "capture rate" isn't enough I think if you are making this decisions)
Please :)
Things are more money-centric now after this update and its like if I want to be in a higher league then I have to invest more. I was playing CH2 and now I can not go beyond Gold 2.. this is sad.
Out of all the changes in the last 10 months, this is the worst ever and I am not happy with it. I just give it some time to see how things will be turned out be after this season or may the next one too then I will think about it.
The new system is disappoitning for new players with skill but without a ot of cards. its so pay2win now...... i don't like it. A lot of friends quit because of this.
And my friend now hating me for talking him into paying 10 USD for the game. This situation ruins all.
First of all, have a look at pic below and then say if you see a problem here

I will now write what I see here, unfortunately not good stuff. Good stuff is that Splinterlands are making good game as well as a system, we all invest some money that is not lost that way, and above all we get some fun time. What is bad is where game is at now, that problems of in-game things are not being solved at all, and that we all have problems with our money given to Splinterlands. I will start with the pic above.
It is time of Collection Power, namely its 1st season. Things not being present before are large difference between opponents ranks. To me, it firstly started with 300-400 rating points stronger or weaker opponents, but now I am facing with 800+ rating pts difference. Silly isn't it? And I am convinced that in-game pairing system is broken, bad job Splinterlands. The future to expect this way would be 1,500 difference, come on!
So it is time of Collection Power has started.
Splinterlands saying all good things happening because problems being solved. Mavericks in top League are now getting full value of their rewards, nobody is standing in their ways now, also incoming Leaderborads rewards will be generous in rewards to all lower level leagues because player will be happy with rewards since they all have been cut off from higher leagues. Etc, etc, etc... Sorry for not being able to name all things.
Now I am risking to be named a Doomsday caller for what I am writing next. So I am still looking at pic above. It is from Silver Leagues 1, 2, and 3, where I am at now and getting 2 boxes (sometimes not a potion), with zero chance of improving rewards because every additional box will be potion (know by players because of high percentage of potions), namely I am not happy with 100% lost value of rewards compared to boost of value in top league. Then looking at my opponent which is Silver league bot having 800+ rating pts more than me, I am confident that no human player like myself will have chance larger than zero to receive any leaderboard reward since we all expect it to be based on rating pts. Meaning I am not happy with leaderboards rewards coming soon. Most importantly I am seeing Splinterlands did not want to solve problems (problems led that led game to Collection Power) but have put the problems there where nobody would complain. Bad job Splinterlands 2x.
Personally, I know of FED institution issuing dollar as money. What I want to point out is that there are persons here saying that one dollar of 10 USD pile is valued less than one dollar of 10,000 USD pile of money. I am pretty sure that FED would be offended, and I am not sure how we all should name persons saying so. From me, you can see me saying how it is wrong.
Splinterlands I am saying to you, all things done are bad now.
I wish the Splinterlands team would outlaw bots and put their own bots in the game that are programmed to never accept rewards. The bots are important to the game because without them we would never get matches. I fear the leaderboard changes will just be dominated by bots exclusively because they play 24/7.
I understand their changes and the need for them but it doesn’t solve the problem with a lack of human players and trying to attract new players to the game. Perhaps people bronze and silver league rewards could only be reward cards or untamed packs? No DEC or potions. I know it would piss me off to play in those really lower leagues, spend an hour on a quest and earn 5 DEC as a reward in the chest. That’s brutal and wrong if you want new people to play!
Completely agree on the bot comment!
There is no reason they can't run their own official bots which are properly leveled opponents who don't gain rewards. The bots could trigger anytime a player is waiting longer than a minute or two and would only run when needed.
Man 1 minute? That would be awful lol I would say 30 seconds!