Announcing a New Energy System for Splinterlands Ranked Battles

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

The Splinterlands team is planning to replace the current Energy Capture Rate (ECR) system in the game with a new Energy system which we feel is far simpler, will be easier to use and more familiar for players, and will help address some of the remaining advantages that bots may have in the current ECR system. The new system is currently planned to be released during the maintenance window on Tuesday, March 21st, 2023.

The way it is currently planned to work is that each account will have a maximum pool of 50 "Energy". Each ranked battle played will use up exactly 1 Energy and if a player does not have any Energy left then they will not be able to play ranked battles until they get more. Energy will automatically regenerate over time at the rate of 1 Energy per hour, and there will also be an option for players to purchase more Energy if they would like to continue playing without waiting for their Energy to regenerate.

Another important change is that the amount of Energy a player has will no longer factor into the Reward Points or SPS rewards calculations for winning battles, so players will be able to earn the same amount of rewards whether they have 50 out of 50 Energy or 1 out of 50 Energy remaining.

The game UI will also be updated to clearly show how much Energy is available right near the "Battle" button, so players can easily see it before they battle and access the options to read more information about the Energy system or purchase more Energy if desired.

Please note that when this change is released, players' Energy meter will be filled proportionally to the amount of ECR they had at the time of the update. For example, a player with 50% ECR at the time of the update will have 25 Energy (since that is 50% of the max of 50 Energy).

Purchasing Energy

Players will have the option to purchase up to 50 additional Energy per day. This means that, at most, each account will be able to play 100 battles in a single day (50 starting Energy plus up to 50 purchased Energy). The cost to purchase more Energy will vary based on the maximum league between the player's current league, their season chest tier, and their daily focus chest tier, across both Modern and Wild play formats. This is due to the fact that winning battles is far more valuable in the higher leagues than in the lower leagues.

Energy can be purchased using DEC/DEC-B tokens, which will be burned, or with Credits, in which case Splinterlands will burn the equivalent amount of DEC on behalf of the player (this is similar to how market purchases currently work when using Credits). The current planned costs to purchase Energy at each league are shown in the table below:

LeagueCost per 1 Energy (DEC)

Keeping it Simple

The concept of this new system was suggested by a few different players over recent months as being a much easier and simpler design, while also solving some problems with the current ECR system - and we agree. It should also be more familiar to new players as it is a similar mechanic to that of many "free-to-play" games on the market.

Under the new Energy system, players will be able to play 24 battles per day before needing more Energy, or, if a player expects to miss a day of battles, they can binge 50 battles the day before and then have about two days before it fully regenerates. Players who would like to play more than that may purchase more Energy by burning DEC tokens which benefits the entire ecosystem.

We look forward to there being no more confusion about how ECR reduces by a percentage rather than a flat amount, about how ECR will affect your rewards, or about how to best space out your battles to maximize rewards (which is much easier for bots than humans), and we want to thank the players who make constructive suggestions like this one that ultimately help improve the game experience for everyone.

Stay tuned for more updates from the Splinterlands!

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NOTE: All rewards from this post will be sent to @sps.dao.

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How about having some extra regeneration for staked SPS? This would give some nice added utility and promote SPS staking.
For example:

  • 5 extra battles/day for 4M+ SPS staked (max possible)
  • 4 extra battles/day for 1M+ SPS staked
  • 3 extra battles/day for 250k+ SPS staked
  • 2 extra battles/day for 60k+ SPS staked
  • 1 extra battles/day for 15k+ SPS staked

Would you like to write a proposal and send it via the community representatives?

@moriarty95, @davemccoy, @simsahas, @genepoolchlrn8r, @schneegecko, could you please contact him and discuss this, as it helps the SPS and the holders.

Hey @alexvan thanks for the tag. If @white-walker-13 would like to write it up, then that would be great and he can send it to any of us. In the meantime I will also share his idea with the others so they are familiar with the idea.


I like it. Here's my take on it:

Its a simple concept but the implications will affect many things. Overall I think it helps against 2 groups that were feasting off the old system:

  1. the big bot farms
  2. the top players sitting on their lead

Both of those groups took a disproportionate share of rewards against the average person, and therefore I think this will improve the experience for everyone that was affected by those two issues. (which is almost everyone)

Good job @yabapmatt and team. I love the efforts to address issues that we know we have. Not all will work out exactly as intended, but its clear to me you are "on it"!

Hard to tell what's going to happen when the ECR change comes. Probably a whole lot of bots are going to go offline. I think this change will be a success as long as seeking an opponent doesn't take too long. If it does take too long then they're probably going to have to tweak it a bit.

How sure you are that it'll stop bots, bots and human players will be affected equally by it. And how it'll stop bots, they will still be battling. Only way to stop bots is kyc accounts, that's what I think. But i don't think splinterlands want to remove bots as it will tear down the actual user base and I'm pretty much sure that 70% plus accounts are bots.

I think what it will stop is the rating inflation of the leach bots (the ones that play only a few rented cards with the starter decks). By playing many thousands of matches against each other, this is how the level 1 accts can get to gold (and in some cases Diamond) each season. Since these accounts are not likely to pay the fee, they will not be able to do this on the same scale.

This wont make the bots go away, but will severely limit their earnings or make them pay a big chunk of those earnings (via the DEC fee) to the game to be burned.

Of course some bot makers will continue to give up with each change too, so while it isn't banning the bots, its certainly reduces the incentives for their makers to spend time and energy

It's VERY obvious this will seriously curtail bots rating inflation. I think some people are in for a rude awakening. They are playing in leagues they probably shouldn't be able to play at with the level of cards they have. The competition is about to get a whole lot harder...

I think they won't pay anything for energy. Amount of Dec required to get energy is way too high, 500 Dec is equivalent to 15 sps and there is also a risk of loosing the batte in champions league. In diamond league, equivalent is 5 sps which is barely seen in rewards. So overall, buying battles with Dec is a big loss.

That's the point. The bots will probably stop playing a disproportionate amount of games, thus they will not be able rise up and take rewards as much from the human players at all levels (but particularly silver and gold)

But there are players using bots in champions league as well, some names belong to new bot order guild

yes, agreed... that's a different issue that needs to be addressed as well.

So this basically means I won't be able to play quite as much as I currently do, without having to pay for it, even though with rewards now mostly being soulbound the value of the rewards on most days won't even cover paying for those extra battles.

Another completely futile attempt to paper over the gaping chasm in the logic of the game's economy that is your flawed insistence on allowing unlimited anonymous multi accounts in order to adhere into an ideological position of the decentralised play to earn dream; one which is ultimately impossible. As long as there is any value at all for an individual player on the table by playing this game, then loads of determined opportunists are going to make thousands of accounts and leech all the value from the game.

Thus, this is yet another update that nerfs bots, but it also nerfs players to the same extent. And you will never stop anon multi accounter bots until you either a) remove all financial value from the game whatsoever or b) do whatever it takes to prevent multi accounting.

Decetralised play to earn gaming being sustainable is utterly delusional. It's mathematically impossible. Any value in game = immediate and sustained ravenous feast by multi accounters until it's all gone. Will you please realise this and enforce one player per account, so your absolutely incredible game can grow and thrive long term. Imagine a game with no energy capture rate! When new players can play all day and night if they want. Imagine how good that would be for the game economy. Imagine a game with only non-soulbound rewards, with one day rentals being possible again, without the nerfed rewards for playing a level 1 creeping ooze in gold etc. Imagine a game without all these silly changes that gradually reduce the value for a player and disincentivises us from playing...

And all of these changes are pointless, the multi accounters will leech and leech and they will vote for proposals that allow them to leech and leech until the whole economy is done, with every change that takes any value away from them also taking it away from real players until there isn't any value left for either.

Myself, and a friend who is a bot farm operator, spend the best part of decade earning only from loopholes all over the web, what I am seeing right now is exactly the same thing.

I don't see a problem with the restrictions of the max number of games. Ranked play, tournaments plus brawls require more time than most human players have anyway. Who is still playing ranked matches manually these days? And what is the point of a game where bots automatically fight each other for the leader boad spots?

However, I fully agree with you concerning the multi accounting part.

Both, multi accounting and bot use are a huge (and maybe unsolvable?) problem of the game.

Who is still playing ranked matches manually these days?


OK, and do you think 24 games per day + tournaments + brawls are not enough?
I think that's 'hard work'.
I also think that most players who say that's not enough simply let their bots run.

At least for me, there is little point in playing tournaments, because as far as I can tell, the same people take the same positions each week. Even for brawls, guilds are using bots, which is sad.

I completely understand that.

But then, what is the difference compared to ranked play, which is dominated by bots as well? I see the same problem in all three areas of the game.

To reduce the number of games in ranked is a step in the right direction in my opinion because especially for bots it is no problem to play all the time. However, it is more a fight against the symptoms not against the origin of the problem (and also by using multiple accounts the bots still can play nearly endlessly).

Currently, it takes me about 250 games to scrape into Champions. Then if I want C2, another 150. a regular season of 12 days gives about 300 games. And I am definitely not going to be paying 500 DEC a token.

(and also by using multiple accounts the bots still can play nearly endlessly).

This is generally the people who have a smackload of cards from the early days, or renters?

Oh, and the difference in ranked play, is I get to play :)

and me! :-) The game is amazing fun!

It is nice that you still have fun playing the game.
I have to say the two aspects - botting and multi accounting - let me doubt there is a bright future for Splinterlands.
For me personally it makes no sense to compete with machines.
I am a chess player, and if in that area bots were allowed to compete with humans I wouldn't take part in any tournaments anymore (fortunately chess software is strictly forbidden in human chess tournaments).

Already quite some time ago I wrote about the increasing bot problem but I am not really optimistic that the problem can be solved.

I agree, its no fun having bots fighting bots for leaderboard spots!

But multi accounting is not unsolvable, it requires one or both of restricted API access or KYC. Ideologues will complain that KYC isn't decentralised, which is fine, they can keep playing doomed decentralised games that get leeched dry by thousands of multi accounters. That's the choice on the table for the devs and the community: a) a game with KYC or restricted API with a sustainable economy, and without all these silly restrictions on gameplay, or b) a decentralised pump and dump game that ultimately has all its value sucked out of it, even if there might be a random pump at the next bull market before the inevitable.

It's literally impossible to "remove any remaining advantages bots have" as the OP suggests. Removing value from bots removes value from players too.

Yes, indeed, nowadays I tend to support KYC measures even if I also see some disadvantages concerning privacy protection.
But otherwise the game might be doomed.

Maybe you don't want (or don't can) play every day.
So f.e. you can only play at the weekend, so you don't want to play more than 24 battles a day, but maybe you want at saturday or sunday just enjoy playing splinterlands as variety from your work. Why you cannot play than more than 50 battles, even when you don't played for 5 or 6 days before. So why the maximum energy is capped at 50, why not let the maximum run till 100 (or even more) and let all other like it is ?

... Maybe you have childreen and they would like to play also at the weekend ...

Well, if you want to play more, after the ranked battles you can do your brawls and then the 756 daily tournaments with every of your 3291 accounts. :-)

Finally, we have simple solution for the ECR and if someone wants to play then its going to help the ecosystem. This is nice update team.

Each ranked battle played will use up exactly 1 Energy and if a player does not have any Energy left then they will not be able to play ranked battles until they get more.

People need to read this part again. This fixes the rating inflation problem completely. Sometimes I think people just want to complain.

upvoted for visibility

Only thing I'm kind of scared of is if the bots shut down, how long will it take to seek an opponent for a match. It can't be too long or the game will be unplayable.

currently it is up to 50% more than 50 games. does the new change mean that we earn less if we do not pay extra for it?
and if i have no more energy i can't even play anymore? until now the argument was that you can play as much as you want you wouldn't earn anything anymore. but now you can't even play without rewards? that seems like a bad change for a game where you are only allowed to play limited games..

from playtoearn to paytoplay

I can't believe I've had to scrawl through 100% positive comments before finally finding one that sees this is silly at best. Tired of being dissuaded to play the game

I understand it's to help creating more sinc for DEC and make it simpler for everyone but I feel like it's going in the wrong direction.

Are we becoming a Facebook or boring phone game to be played on the toilet 15 min per day? I thought were were going for the "Let player have fun and make them want to play more with the soulbound reward card" approach? Don't know for the other gamers but the gamers I know can spend 20 hours a day playing a game they like. How do you think you gonna appeal to esports or big streaming to play our game if we're nothing but one of those energy game that can only be played 15 min per days?

Streamers stream for 12-18h per days and CGT players will do so on every other games but ours which make no sense at all unless SL leadership have other plan for the game and want it to be nothing more then a phone game that you pull out when you're bored to do your quick dailies then you close it up and don't touch it till the daily reset...From what I understand we're asked to want to play more but like we're playing an old arcade games where we need to put more 0.25$ every hours to keep playing. If your goal is to become the new candy crush where gambling degenerate spend more money to buy lives just to be able to play their game...I'm not sure you realize the impact you will have on the current players that "WANT TO PLAY YOUR GAME" but that keeps getting stuff in their way.

Also, I recently created a secondary account to try Xbot as everyone and there grandmother seems to be doing it these days anyways and after playing around with it for a few weeks, I figured that the best way to setup this bot was to make it play for about 25 ECR then make him wait 24h to play again (which is equal to what I normally would play with my account during the week days when I'm busy) and it was the best way to gain the most reward from playing.

This new system would mean that instead of that, now the best course for any bot account would be to farm the hell out of those 50 then set them up to play once every X min when a new energy point get allocated (meaning that now bot will have the option to play 24/7 instead of once per day which I'm not sure will be super fair for human players in terms of the leaderboards) which I'm not sure how this help in any ways to get rid of the bot problem but hey who cares right.

Great change to make the game more understandable.

I have 3 comments:

  1. the refill charge rate for champion is way too low given how large the pool will be for early season, especially if Champion 1 players reset into Champion 3. This will result in a pool that gets drained within days by the time most players arrive, and it will favour the top few bots to play 100 games in a day and reap all the rewards.

  2. across the board, the recharge rate should be high enough to be uneconomical for almost all scenarios - otherwise it gives more advantages to bots over players to farm Sps. It sounds like these recharge rates weee picked as an incentive to burn more DEC to increase SPS. However if bot farms earn the majority of that Sps it doesn’t help the community.

Please clarify how the rates were chosen?

  1. After players run out of energy, can the game automatically default players over to playing Practice rounds, preferably without any action or warning ? It would improve the ability for players to play for fun by increasing practice match liquidity. Right now there are never players available for practice.

the changes seem good but 500 dec for 1 match in champion is kind of low pricing, right?
Even now with only 4 days left in the season a win in champion wild yields around 11 sps that equals to 355 dec. At the start of the season is probably like 30-40 sps per match.
And thats not even counting the chest drops (full of packs, sps and soulbound cards).

I know that rewarding the top is important but its the only league where recharging makes sense

~~~ embed:1634672284051931137 twitter metadata:MTUxNDk3MTY0MTE4MDI2MjQwMXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS8xNTE0OTcxNjQxMTgwMjYyNDAxL3N0YXR1cy8xNjM0NjcyMjg0MDUxOTMxMTM3fA== ~~~

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Awesome news!!! Great update guys!!!!

I really like this idea, sometimes I wanted to play more but I couldn't, because I didn't have RC, but with this I can buy to continue with the battles.

Great another sync for DEC-B, also for Credits which helps us red headed step childs (affiliate link people)

pay to play👽 don't want to play? rent if active....
but wait you have to pay to put it for rent

We know that bot farms don't own/buy cards, they rent them, so give us the "right to refuse service" to bots when renting out our cards. Give us anti-bot farm filters when renting out our cards.

  1. Do not rent to accounts with less X amount of SPS staked
  2. Do not rent to accounts with 50% or more SB rewards cards (with 10% increments)
  3. Do not rent to the following account names (let us copy/paste a list of account names in here). SL team can keep themselves out of it (let us community members keep a list of known bot farm accounts).

We should have the right to refuse service to known bot farms and new ones based on bot farm traits.

I'm confused as to exactly what problem this is addressing. The post doesn't really call it out explicitly other than saying "...while also solving some problems with the current ECR system". What are those problems? Is the issue that people are playing too many matches a day [causing rating inflation] or is it that new players cannot figure out the -1% of ECR per battle drain or is it to put a new DEC sink? I'm not really for or against it as there are obvious pluses and minuses, I just like to understand the 'why' they are making the change.

It does seem to favor multi-accounting in a serious way. Guess I'll spin up my alt account to take advantage...sure everyone else will do the same...

I liked the idea at first, not having to bother with efficiency of single games, not having to decide whether to ride out the streak or keep ECR up. Sounded great. Now I am thinking, paying for extra ranked games is fine, it is probably uneconomically and will probably mostly be used to edge out another reward chest for the average player.

But my big no-go is the limitation of not being able to play without energy. In the bot discussions the team always says "who can decide who can play and who can't". Well, now it is an energy bar. When I started out I unknowingly was completely draining my ECR because I didn't know it even existed, which is admittedly a problem. However, I liked the game and just wanted to play, always seeing new cards, immediately renting some to try them out. If I would have hit a "you can't play, come back in an hour", I would have likely quit right there.

In my opinion you can't introduce the "you can't play ranked anymore" without making sure there is a way to play without energy. I just assume that practice matches don't consume energy, but I really don't think this is enough. I would suggest introducing a mirror to ranked, lets call it nether or something lore acceptable, which would be basically the same as ranked, just no energy and no rewards. I can't imagine that this would be a tremendously huge effort since all the code and systems should be there and you just have to do all your calculations with ECR == 0% or whatever. Seems low-hanging fruit and I am afraid without that you will get a lot of angry people who were looking forward to a big evening of splinterlands. I mean lets be fair, 25 games can be binged in 1 hour, especially when you are in the zone.

Of course you could just make another account to keep playing, same solution like with ECR, but that is a hassle for players who just want to enjoy the gameplay.

Related suggestion:
Allow staking of (max level?) cards to improve energy regeneration. If I have enough cards to support 2 or 3 accounts I really shouldn't have to move those cards around to have more daily games.

Why do I have the feeling that this update is going to badly affect very active players especially when one's game tool is entirely dependent on rentals? Inasmuch as this is intended to fight the bot, it will also make the game expensive for players who play more than 50 matches per/day. meanwhile, I hope the wait for the next fight won't be taking so long because if it does, it's definitely going to negatively affect the game and many players might be lost.

Lastly, I feel used after seeing someone ask the question "who still plays ranked battled manually". I guess I'm the only one who doesn't understand this bot thing.

Rofl this is so ridicolous, now i can basically play endless games, it's impossible to reach 0% ecr, and now you are forcing players to play at most 50 games x day PAYING to play

So you buy the spell book to play ranked, you then need to spend to have real card to earn something, then you need to spend to level up cards, then you get soulbound cards with 0 values until in some years by spending decs you might be able to sell, you pay to list cards in the market and now you PAY TO PLAY, and all of this because you couldn't ban the fucking bots 2 years ago, ruining real players experience

why limit the fun? if I am having fun with the game let me have the freedom to pick my own playstyle. I could play more battles and get less rewards or even play none stop and get no rewards. I will improve my skills instead when I play more battles. I could push the leaderboards and be competitive or burn my ECR and take a break for 4 days. it is right that the ECR is complicated but it offers so much flexibility and so many playstyles that will suits everybody and every situation, some days I play more and some days I play less depending on my mood. With the new energy system there will be only one playstyle and in my opinion it will get boring real quick. just like any mobile game that have an energy system to limit your fun. I hope the team reconsider this move. I am afraid this would be the case of " you don't know what you've got until you lose it" rip ECR system. I really hope I am wrong about this tho

WOW, essa é uma das melhores notícias que poderíamos ter no Splinterlands! Isso vai ficar insano! Obrigado a todos os envolvidos!


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @shiftrox

remaining commands 8


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

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Because they know how to suck it up.

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Great improvement I believe. Well done!

I'm interested to see how this influences the game. As you've said it's basically every free to play game system for energy. Though, I'm glad that it has scaling energy costs for purchase.

Great update. This update going to bring more value in game as well as in the price of DEC/DEC-B and credits. Hundred battle in a single day that is really awesome. It would be more appropriate to say that this update is a solution of decreasing energy capture rate.
Thanks for important update..

Great development, am liking it!

It seems a good change, well done!


Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 1 SBT - 0.1 THG - 0.000001 SQM - 0.1 BUDS tokens to @arc7icwolf

remaining commands 8


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

please fix this icon strip! the images are too big and the two blocks do not fit on the same line.


it's the fault of the Lands icon that was inserted

I like this, looking forward to the update!

Looks good. Now I can play as much as I want without worrying about diminishing returns by ECR. Kudos to the team and the members that suggested this.

great update. I believe it will help a lot.

It would seem that every change recently is solely focused on taking DEC out of the economy.

This is ok when you state the aim clearly, but it is underhand when dressed up as a 'beneficial' change to the game mechanics.

As other players are pointing out these changes may not be all that beneficial after all.

I am on the fence about this update.

The good is it fights bots but it is also punishing the players that want to battle lots to climb.

as with any update I look forward to seeing how it works and what the community thinks maybe rising it to 100 for free wouldn't hurt.

Awesome new free-to-play addition, so "free" that you will need to pay 500 dec to play one more game on champion,,,

Disintegrator lvl 1 announcment.... 1 bcx.... both demoralize and oppress

Wow finally easier system. Seems like a good change towards mass adoption

This is certainly a welcome change. This prevents bots from playing non-stop daily and will also add value to our DEC tokens. Great job team!

nope it actually make them create more account in order to abuse the 50 per day on many different accounts sadly

Doesn't feel like this solves any issue apart from the team wanting to burn DEC because they're desperate to peg the token.

And milk money from players making them buy energy

How do you avoid that a bot drops to Diamond 1 when the energy is used up, recharges to 50 for Diamond prices, climbs back to Champion and then rinse and repeat?

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This is possibly the best change you have made in recent times. Now you just need to fix the ranking system, which is a bit weird.

A good change, this will help new players to understand the overall rank/reward system.

Any change that does such a thing is much welcomed.

Additional players and retention of players should be top priority.

I don't think this system will stop bots from farming rewards, you are only giving farmers a chance to add more bots into the ecosystem. Rapid changes will drop players from joining the game, and 1 hour recharge time is too much for any player, 50 energy is not enough for a human player and 2 days wait is outrageous.

It's a play2earn game, don't make it pay2play. Thanks
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( lordshah ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

I like the new system overall.

As pointed out by other the rating systems needs updated before this.
The cost to play in the higher leagues is already well over what can be earned by rewards so the cost for refill just make it worst.
Bronze and silver level accounts will be able to easily farm soulbounds card while at a far cheaper price then the higher league. Even with the multiplier chests usually only have 1 card in them.
I feel like overall the DEC cost for recharges need to be squished together bring the lower levels up some and the higher leagues down some.


In Diamond 1 energy = 0.125 SPS. I am getting 1.2 SPS per battle. What will happen when SPS goes over 0.125 USD? We will be able to spam matches the whole day long and we will be in profit on a weekly timescale.

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