100,000 Splinterlands Spellbooks Purchased

100,000 Spellbooks Purchased.png

Splinterlands just saw the purchase of its 100,000th Spellbook, halfway through August.

Reaching Benchmarks at Unprecedented Speeds

It took us over four years to sell the first 50,000 Splinterlands Spellbooks.
Now, in just fifteen days, that number has doubled.

Referencing a graph of daily Spellbook purchases hardly makes sense anymore. The recent numbers so effectively dwarf the earlier stats that any daily sales numbers before July of this year barely register at all. Average daily sales in August are 100x what they were at the beginning of the year, and 200x what they were a year ago.

Graphing the Spellbooks purchased over time tells the tale of Splinterlands' slow and steady growth since its creation right up until last month, when the influx of new players skyrocketed these numbers and literally put the game out of commission for a few stressful days.

As cool as it is to see these total numbers, it's even more interesting to look at the Spellbook Purchase rates in context.

Free-to-Play Games

In free-to-play games, it's customary for only a small fraction of the players to choose to purchase into the game. Usually around 1% - 2% of all players end up buying into any free-to-play game, while the other 98% - 99% of players stick with the free version, or else leave the game entirely.

Splinterlands has always enjoyed a significantly higher buy-in rate than average, traditionally hovering between 20-25%. The fact that one out of every 4 or 5 new players sees enough value in our game to buy a $10.00 upgrade has always been a point of pride for us, especially considering that most games must sign up 50-100 players, on average, before they see one purchase.

More are Staying

However, lately even these note-worthy figures have been outdone. We saw the sale of the 100,000th Spellbook just two days after the creation of our 300,000th new account. As things stand now, over 32% of all accounts that have ever been created have continued on to Purchase a Spellbook and explore their full Splinterlands potential. A one-third buy-in rate is amazing, but it isn't even the end of the story.

The August Spellbook purchase rate is now over 40%, meaning that this month more than 2 out of every 5 new player accounts decided that Splinterlands is too good to pass up. The past five days have seen an average buy-in rate of nearly 50%, which is just astounding.

Screenshot 2021-08-18 085547.png

Data from Peakmonsters.com

New players usually try out the game in free mode for a bit before deciding if it's worth actually paying into, so Spellbook numbers tend to lag behind sign-up numbers by a few days, at least.

Why Players Stay

Sure, Splinterlands has a lot to offer, even if you don't already have an impressive Alpha pack. The continued release of new cards and the structure of the tournaments system ensures that new players will always have access to relatively inexpensive cards that can hold their own in battles. The new rental market gives card owners and card seekers even more options. SPS offers players the chance to have a real say in the future of the game, and the fact that it's all built on the block chain means that players genuinely own their Splinterlands assets and that every purchase buys you more than just a once-and-done half hour of playing fun.

But Splinterlands has something much harder to replicate than thoughtful design, interesting graphics or addictive game play. Because Splinterlands isn't merely a game: it's a whole community. In Guilds and on Splintertalk blogs; on Reddit, Twitter and especially in Discord, Splinterlands community members continue to make this an inviting environment for new players, and this effort continues to pay off.

The Splinterlands team is small. Even with all we can do, we still depend heavily on the community to answer questions, explain game features and in general help direct all the new players who are pouring in. And let me tell you: the Splinterlands community has shown itself to be more than up to this challenge. So many of you are extremely knowledgeable and experienced, and freely share your gems of game wisdom with newer players, directing them to the resources that will help them and explaining the finer points of the game. Your passion for the game is by far the best advertisement Splinterlands could ever have.

Guilds offer enormous opportunities for players to connect with each other, form friendships and grow roots into the community. You can find other games to play. You can find other assets to purchase. But the the friends in your Guild aren't available anywhere else, and it makes a difference.

If new players were pouring into the game only to discover cold shoulders, unanswered questions and condescension, it's a good bet that many of them wouldn't stick around for long. The fact that 30-50% of those that swing by decide to buy into Splinterlands and put down roots here is a testament to how awesome our community is, as much as anything else we have to offer.

We are so grateful. And humbled. And amazed.
Thanks for being phenomenal.


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I love this fucking game!!! untitled.gif

The hard work the Splinterlands team puts in doesn't go unnoticed. Thanks for all yous do.

Before Splinterlands I have never played a card game other then ones that need the standard 52 deck but somehow Splinterlands managed to catch my attention. That's right I have never collected or played Pokemon / yugioh or whatever else is out there. I didn't even watch the Pokemon TV show or any other of the card game variants shows. I have never paid more then $50 for a game (a game for my now dusty X-BOX). Even with all that Splinterlands was still able to grab my attention and intrigued me (A tightwad) to invest roughly $5,000. It wasn't the game I invested in it was the people behind it. It was easy to see early on the hard work the creators and their team were putting in. Its been an amazing ride that I'm happy to be on even if its only to a small degree. If you can get me, who never spent more then 99 cents for a standard deck of 52 cards, to invest/play and massively enjoy the game then its no surprise to me yous were able to get 100,000 others to do the same. Congrats on your success and I look forward to seeing what all time highs will be broken next.

!giphy you rock

Congradulations team! Its great to see the cream of the crop rise to the top!

This explains why the price of renting and buying cards is getting higher and higher. It’s time to release some new card packs.

I hope this game will get better and better and everyone can have fun too

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The success is more than deserved, with all that you delivered so far. And I still feel the best is yet to come. And regarding that last image... how about a battle rhino for a future earth splinter card? 😉

Impressive 🙏

How great that the game begins to massify

You're doing something right, congratulations on this achievement!

Still rather quiet here though, some of it needs to trickle over onto the blogging space!

Another question, wouldn't it be good to have a dm function in the game? Even if only to contact your referrals/referrer to get new players started on the right track?

I don't think a DM function would be a good idea... people (myself included once or twice probably lol) might send some nasty messages to people they just wiped the floor with hahaha.

I've been trying to get my guild mates to post on Hive, had some success so far!

hahaha, what's wrong with a bit of banter? Maybe even limited to referrals then. It's in your best interest to help each other instead of just scolding each other. Add a block function and it should be snowflake proof :-)

Lol I know the benefits of the chat far outweigh the little drama that will happen. One thing I hope we don’t see, and maybe there can be rules against it, is spamming and malicious people stealing (or trying to) keys and stuff.

I am playing the game for the last 3 weeks and i simply love it, and slowly slowly i can say that it became my favorite one...
PS: I hope my season rewards "situation" will be sort it....

DICE also sold out, when is the new mini edition coming??

I think the Splinterlands team is having trouble keeping up with everything selling out lol. Glad I got my 20 dice when I could, for DEC!

Of course the you got this! since I played by first time I realized how the game is amazing!

We are so grateful. And humbled. And amazed.
Thanks for being phenomenal.

Thanks for being awesome!

May the luck be with me.

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This is my favorite game ❤️

Favorite p2e mobile game by far and trust me I've tried 90% of them. Huge fan keep it coming!! #splinterland

Why does it get expensiv, when I join in. I hate beeing late. :/. But I guess it`s not too late :)

A new set of cards is on its way. Land hasn't been implemented. You are earlier then most. A year from now new players will be saying the same as you and you will be telling them similar things as I'm telling you now.

Excellent game!.. I would like know if is dec(Dark Energy Cristals) listed on exchange in bsc network?

It's helpful to have players in the community willing to help others on Discord and all that, takes loads off the Splinterlands team (I've tried to pop in there and answer a question or two to help offset things for the people working the channel).

I think the guilds and easy communication is one of the primary drivers for a lot of success in the long term. One of the things I enjoyed the most playing other games was joining guilds or groups and just being able to chat with them. Sure it's easy enough to post and all that here on Hive but a lot of newer players haven't the slightest clue what Hive is so if they can join a guild that can help them learn the ropes, it's got a much better chance of retaining them.

The rental market is also huge and one that I think is great to incorporate directly into the game. Got a lot of my older, unused cards rented out to folks that would have previously been required to buy them for a hefty cost. That's great!

Congratulations team, it's well deserved.

The combination of a sustainable economy and decent earning rates (I broke even within a week) really help a lot in making Splinterlands more than just a game.

Wish you all the best and I'm excited for future developments!

I bought a spellbook because I had a stack of SPT,and Im not a player. The incredible part of #Hive is the Community and the ability to support projects through tokenization, without having to actively support by getting involved. So I bought a Spellbook to payback the air drop kindness and show support for these incredible new Blockchain Franchises on the Hive Blockchain. Hive is more than crypto finance, it's a world class global community that is supportive above and beyond anything I have ever been apart of! Than I bought 2 dice packs! Though I still havent played I will be greatful for Splinterlands and this awesome boom they kicked off on Hive!

congratulations splinterlands team! It's a great

Very Good

Well Played though.

Just a question. Is there a possibility that the spellbook price will increase in the near future?

congratulations! 👏👏👏