Hard Fought Battle To Champ II

Luck was with me this season.
The end of season is very difficult as I gain rank and I usually just finish daily quests before giving up for the day. This season I made it into Champ III with plenty of time left and decided to give it a go for Champ II. This was not an easy battle using Level 8 common cards and non-maxed epic, rare and legendary cards. This was a major grind with many wins and loses until bam I hit Champ II.

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Nice, Champ 2 is a really great place to be, good job! Going for the rank 1 in the future then?
I stopped playing a year and a half ago. Splinter lands became quite boring and the monetary aspect of winning games was not worth my time.
Still buying new cards as investment... maybe they will add a better gaming experience and I will try my luck again.
I totally understand! I am expecting them to improve the game mechanics in the near future!
I am more at your side, investing, renting and flipping cards for prof.