Splinterlands - How to EASILY beat Oshannus and Wavesmith

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hey Everyone!

Welcome back to another video from the minds at SL-Guide! We are your valuable source of info to help guide you through Splinterlands, focused on a lot of starter and beginner videos, but also advanced videos for really anyone.

Today's video is a great one! With the new Rewards cards that just recently were introduced and Chaos Legion about to descend upon Praetoria, the game's metas are changing quickly. Two Rewards cards from the Water Splinter have done just that: Djinn Oshannus and Venari Wavesmith. Check them out:

They are some tough cards to beat when used correctly and in the right team lineup. In fact, players are able to single-cardedly use on or both of these cards to get themselves to Silver! Are you losing to this these cards when others are spamming them?

Not anymore! In this video, we breakdown exactly what it takes to stop these teams from killing your win-streak while trying to complete your daily quest or just climbing the leagues in general.

The video is available to watch below. But before you get to that, please follow our SL-Guide blog to get tons of videos we'll be blogging about regularly. Whether you are new to the game or already advancing through the ranks, there is something for everyone. Plus, you never know when we'll do a giveaway or some other fun thing you'll definitely want to be a part of!

See all of our videos here too:


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