Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! FALLEN SPECTER

in #splinterlands5 years ago

Hello splinterlands fans, how are you guys doing? hope you guys are doing well. I am also doing well. This is my 3rd post of perticipating in splinterlands social media challenge. Every splinterlands lovers are free to praticipate in social media challenge.


Fallen Specter, is a legendary monster which belogs to death splinter. It is a reward edition and magic monster. I like to use this card when mana cap is very low. It's have a lots of abilities with 2 mana. It have only one ability at level 1 which is flying and four abilities at max level those are flying, demoralize, hearwinds and blind. At max level it will be a good choice for low mana cap battles.

RARITY: Legendary





1.Flying: Has an increased chance of evading melee and ranged attacks from monster who do not have the flying ability. Flying ability helps a monster to miss a attack from enemy team. Melee and ranged attack have a chance to miss but magic don't have any chance to miss out.

2.Demoralize: Reduces melee attack of all enemy monsters. Monster with this ability will have a chance to reduce one melee attack of all melee attacker of enemy monster. Melee, ranged and magic monster have a chance to have this ability.

3.Headwinds: Reduces ranged attack of all enemy monsters. Monster with this ability will have a chance to reduce a ranged of all range attacker of enemy monster. Melee, ranged and magic monster have a chance to have this ability.

4.Blind: All enemy melee and ranged attacks have an increase chance of missing their target. Monster with this ability have a chance to miss melee and ranged attack from enemy team monsters. This ability is one kind of flying ability. Melee, ranged and magic monster have a chance to have this ability.



Level 1 : To make it level 1 you need only one card. It have only one ability at level 1 which is flying. Flying ability monster have a chance to miss melee and ranged atttack from enemy team monsters. It have 1 magic attack, 6 speed with 1 heath. LEvel 1 card is good for playing in bronze league.

Level 2 : You need to combine three level 1 card for making it level 2. In this level one more ability added which is demoralize. This ability reduce one melee attack of all enemy team melee monsters. In this level magic attack, speed and health are same as before level. Level 2 card will be a good choice for silver league.

Level 3 : A level 2 card and two level 1 cards need to combine for level 3. As level 2 one new ability added in this level which is headwinds. Headwinds reduce one ranged attack of all ranged monster of enemy team. Magic attack, speed and health are same as level 1. Level 3 card is for playing in gold league.

Level 4: One level 3 and 6 more level 1 cards need to combine for making it max. As before levels one new abiltiy added which is blind. Blind ability have an increase chance for missing meele and ranged attack from enemy monsters. Magic attack, speed and health are same and one new ability arrived in all levels. Max level card is ready for battling in diamond level.

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The Fallen Specter is my favorite low mana Death card.



A useful 2 mana from the death team. Love it myself! Thanks for sharing!

curated by @travelgirl