For my line up in this battle:
- Mycelic Infantry
- Khmer Princess
- Venari Spellsmith
- Child of the Forest
Versus my enemy's line up:
- Kelya Frendul
- Serpent of Eld
- Albatross
- Merdaali Guardian
- Scavo Hireling
- Kulu Swimhunter
My opponent has one card advantage, and in terms of health it also has an advantage. My 4 cards have 13 health in total, while my opponents cards have 14 health. In addition to his 14 health, my opponent has healer. Which can be another advantage for him, especially if my cards will not be able to take it down immediately. I placed the Mycelic Infantry in the frontline because it has high health and shield. That makes it good as a tank for my cards. Then my next cards are all range attacks. They can attack freely while they are being guarded by my tank, Mycelic Infantry.
Round 1, the abilities were applied. In this round, I can say the my opponent has a huge advantage. His cards got an increase in speed and also a shield protection. But later on I realized that the shield added was not a big deal for my side. Because most of my cards has magic attack. This means the shield will not really matter.
After the Round 1, all cards are still alive. Both sides have dealt damage, while my Mycelic Infantry's attack missed. I guess because its speed is lower compared to Kelya Frendul. Once the frontline of my opponent taken down. My frontline, Mycelic Infantry will be able to deal damage to the other cards.
Round 3, we were able to take down one card. Their new frontline is not that tanky so for sure we will be able to take it down easily. That means their healer, which is one of our problem, will be their new frontline. And it will not be able to provide healing to the other cards.
Round 4, all of my cards are still alive. While my opponent has only three cards and its healer is now in danger. We can see in this part that the next round will be easy for my cards. We were able to take down the healer and then the next frontline will be the Scavo Hireling. Which only has one life left.
Round 5, my Mycelic Infantry still managed to survive despite of its low health. There is a possibility that it will be taken down if my opponent's frontline in this round has a melee attack. But it has range attack which means it cannot deal damage once it is in the frontline.
The battle lasted for five rounds. In this round we were able to take down the last card of my opponent. Khmer Princess initiated the attack to Kulu Swimhunter and then it was supported by my My Mycelic Infantry to take it down.
I can say that the Mycelic Infantry is a good card for the frontline because of its tanky stats. But the problem that I encounter is it will not be ideal to use for low mana cap battle since the card require 8 mana. I have tried several battles with the Mycelic Infantry and I lost most of them because of the mana cap is low. It is being consumed by the Mycelic Infantry, which means I only have few mana left to choose cards for my attack or support.
I am also lucky because my oppoenent's card do not have sneak ability. If that happened my cards will be taken down easily. Since most of them only has two lives. They could probably last for one or two rounds only.
Battle Link:
Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12