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RE: SPS Governance Proposal: Brawl - Count all frays equally with examples about effects (tier 1-4)

The question is what is a penalty - You will with this change in every case loose not even one point but can win a lot of points, so I think it is no penalty.

The other question is how it is in other teamsports ?
What if in soccer one team would come only with 9 player instead of 11 - You think they would tell the other team who has 11 player that they should take out 2 player and the match will be played with 9 against 9 player ?

Or in other sports like tennis, table tennis or chess where the team-events consist (mainly) from a addition of the single-results what will be happen if one of the teams will come with less player than they need - I think it is clear that they loose the matches where they have no player for - so I think it is not natural that you just cannot show up and get a draw (0:0) - IMO this is a design error, always it should be a match and if there is no match because one of the player don't show than the other win the point.


Lets say there is 10 guilds in the brawl and 9 guilds enter a payer in fray spot 6 and 1 guild does not. The proposal would award a win for all 9 guilds against the guild that did not enter. So effectively all nine guilds would go up the leader board in comparison to the guild that failed to enter. Clearly this system will penalize all guilds that are unable to fill spots.