
Muchas gracias @rowell :)
El hecho de haber trabajado en él dentro de un límite de tiempo -más o menos 😁- me hizo progresar. Independientemente del resultado de la semana, será una buena satisfacción en sí misma 🙂

I will abandon these contest, I am disappointed when the winners i feel that they really are no better than other arts that participated.
It is great that they help the community but it discourages me to see arts that are good, but not better than others that did not win.
I will still do my splinterlands fanart, but out of the contest. I guess they just want to help more people.

I can understand :)

As I'm not that much of a competitor, the contest mainly gives me motivation to focus on a topic while working, without going out of control and never finish the illustration :)

Contest or not, I'm eager to see your fanarts to come :)