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RE: Why THIS is a Marking Nightmare for Splinterlands

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hi Niall. Thank you very much for sharing your insight with me. As I stated in the post, although religion is my preference, this is much more about a marketing problem they face since I am not the only one that is offended (or just doesn't like the aesthetic of the new TD game).

I will not defend my religion because that truly does miss the point I'm making. I am not offended by your personal religion so please do not be offended by mine. It is just my personal choice and I am allowed to voice my concern. Does it offend you that people get offended? It is easy to say these sorts of things when one is not offended, but since we want MORE people not less coming to the game, and since prior to this game there hasn't been any religious reference, from a marketing perspective it is best not to enter into religious ideas now. We want as many people playing the game and bringing their money here.

From a non-religious perspective I've seen many people complain that the look of the TD doesn't connect to the artwork of the Splinterlands game and they would like to see that consistency. So you could say there are people who do not have a religious aversion to it and still don't like it. I would imagine if you have enough people speak up that the artwork isn't connecting with the Splinterlands' theme, religious or otherwise, the team would want to consider changing it and they are. Continuity is important so that the Splinterlands cards will make sense to the TD gameplay.

Anyway, there is no hard feelings for your point of view, but since you have responded to me regarding my personal religion, I felt it was important to respond as well. We should all be able to live in a world where our opinions are heard and respect is given so I truly appreciate you taking the time to write to me. And I would say we probably both agree that religion should just not be part of the game at all then there are no issues like this. Thanks so much.