
Thank you very much. I am still learning as well.

Oh are you? How long have you been playing? I just started this week!

Occasionally I played before that but I believe that I only started playing really seriously this year.

Well that's great! I wish you great success with it!! It's really fun, isn't it? :)

Thank you. it is fun but I would have more fun if I would win more often.😜

Oh my gosh, I totally agree! HAHA! We'll, get there, right? We just have to keep at it! Good luck! It's so nice to chat with you!!

Hi, im new here. Did we can upload 2 times for social media challenge, and 2 more for share your battle ?

social media challenge rules says this:

You can get a MAX of 2 upvotes per week. Please only enter TWO posts a week. This includes the Battle Challenge.

So it seems that if you make 2 battle posts you can no longer make social media posts. Right now I only make battle posts.

ty for the answer

Hi @fieryfootprints , can you explain to me what happen if I click power down or delegate in my wallet? also im curious. The reward that I get on hive and Splintertalks is different or it is the same thing?