Are, You Serious? Or Alt, You Serious?

in #splinterlands4 years ago



Okay this post is like back to BASICS, folks. Now, that’s pretty RICH coming from the most basic novice there ever was here. HA! I mean I’m just a small, SMALL player when you compare me to some of the major hitters here, and yet I don’t need the furious chicken (although gosh dang it I do love that little guy!) or some other impressive card to make money. So let’s chat!

Pull Up A Chair and Get Honest with Me

Folks, have a seat. Let’s talk. You can even have my most comfy rocking chair on the porch, and I’ll take the porch swing. Let me pour you up some nice sun tea (oh gosh I do LOVE a good sun tea! Y’all know what that is, surely, right?) Do you see out there across the prairie? Do you see what is making you happy? Is it the sun smiling down on you? Or maybe it’s the clouds billowing across the sky as if they are talking back and forth about some sort of deep philosophical revelation. Or maybe it’s those chickens roaming around. Do you get a pleasure knowing they will have some amazing eggs for you that can bake the most fantastic breakfasts and breads?

I can hear you now “Rosie, what in the world are you getting to here?”

“Yes yes, I know. Please have a sip of your tea, and try not to laugh at me, because I’m being serious here.”

When you imagine your happy place, I bet it’s something pretty simple, peaceful and back to basics. My happy place is land. I love watching the sun rise and set over a waving wheat field. There is honestly very little that is more beautiful than that, although the next two favorites would be the Colorado Rockies with the water rushing off in a hurry and the sun when it kisses the ocean in the morning at sunrise or the evening at dusk (depending on where you are in the world, naturally).

We gain so much peace and strength from the basics. We get very caught up in the daily busy grind, the certainty that we’ll HIT BIG if we just PUSH HARD, WORK HARDER, SPEND MORE, be MORE. More and more and more and it wears us out until we all dream of that favorite place of peace and quiet, and we just want to escape to it, right?

Keeping to the Basics IS the Key to Success in Splinterlands

So, let’s live this way guys on a daily basis. What I mean is, let’s try to keep perspective in all ways, even in Splinterlands. Keeping to basics is the KEY to success. Let me explain.


First: Get Out those “Tired, Worn-Out Cards”

You don’t need new cards to win a game. Just play the same “tired out cards,” with those same great strategies, and you’ve got this! I LOVE a good deck of worn out cards, because you know what it tells me? Those creases, that rounded deck, the torn edges, etc. tell me there are hands that touched these cards and made memories with these cards. There’s a family--my family-- that has laughed and cried over the funniest card game moments. There’s the screams when someone outbids you during a game of Pitch, and then they LOSE! OHHHH, the thrill of victory and seeing their surprised faces! That worn out deck of cards is holding a LOT of memories, guys. Those “tired out cards” are “tired out,” because they are GOOD CARDS.

So you missed out on the dice in Splinterlands? Well, so did I. There's a lot of chatter right now about the game. Yes, if you saw the dice have sold, and now there’s talk about what will be the next amazing cards! And NO DOUBT they WILL be amazing. And then you have people stressing about how they are going to afford these new cards, and what they will do. How will they change the game? Don’t sweat it guys. Go find those “old tired out cards,” and play. The best cards in Splinterlands are the first ones you get in your spellbook. YOU CAN WIN with THOSE CARDS! And don’t stress if you don’t have the fancy summoner to get you to that ‘amazing league’. Just make some good memories with your same, “boring” cards, and you’re building DEC and strategy and learning as you go!


Second: I’ve Got to Be the Best!

Do you? Do you have to have every card and every piece of every single thing in this game to be a winner? HECK NO. Folks, please don’t lose perspective here, and I’m just as guilty of it as others. I want that land so badly in Splinterlands I dream about it, but it’s just not for me right now. I don’t have the cash. So I’m going to keep dreaming about my land, and I’m going to plod along, just like the first pioneers did. They started out small, they worked HARD, they faced so much hardship out here on the prairie you can’t even BELIEVE what they went through, especially the women. (If you have an interest in this, please read Willa Cather! She’s an AMAZING author who tells the stories of women on the prairie.) But guess what? They have built up the Midwest into the best kept secret in all of America!

You can do the same!! You do not have to own every card in Splinterlands to get rich! Just start out with that spellbook, and you’ve got this!


Third: You Don’t Have to Go at This Alone

Sometimes it’s hard to ask for help, but it is always worth it in the end. If you’re not sure what you’re doing in Splinterlands, ask your “neighbor” how to play. That’s what the early pioneers did! They WORKED TOGETHER and built a community where their philosophy was if one succeeds WE ALL SUCCEED! If someone lost their land to fire, hail, grasshoppers, etc, if their neighbors could help, THEY DID and the favor was returned down the line.

Similarly, you can ask for help any time. Everyone is willing to help in this group. It’s so powerfully positive, and you just can’t find that everywhere, so get to know your neighbor a bit, and if you’re shy, well write to me, and I’ll go around and find out for you. I’m an ENFP on the Myers-Briggs spectrum so I’m not shy at all. HA! I’ll happily make a fool of myself, no worries, as long as it helps someone else, I’m happy to do it for the most part! ;)

Fourth: I Need to Reach the Top League

No you don’t! I’ve spent the last couple of days asking around on blogs if these top players are going for the top league. No. It’s okay not to push so hard! You don’t have to be at the top league to win the best rewards! You can win this as the little guy I PROMISE YOU!

(Just imagine those rocking chairs creaking as the wind blows and you consider what I’ve said.)

“Okay, Rose. You are telling me all of this stuff, but where’s your proof?”

Ah HA! And Now We Get to My WHOLE POINT

My proof is this. I told you all I have an alt account so that I can play when my rosiew is low on Energy Capture Rate. Well, I just did the BASIC NOVICE to Bronze then daily reward and I got 2000 DEC FOLKS! How about that? (Kicks up her cowboy boots and begins to dance)

2021-08-19 (2).png

YIPPPPEE!!! Time to twirl folks! And all I did was listen to my intuition that I need to just keep to the basics. I don’t have to go crazy and play hard and know everything about this game to be successful. I can play my “old worn out” trusty cards, and I’m going to win this game in the long run, and isn’t that REALLY what we all want here?

We can ALL win this TOGETHER! Please believe me. Now is the time. Just keep to the basics, and you can truly win in Splinterlands!

Now how about some eggs from that furious chicken while we creak away in our chairs? (OH, P.S. Just to clarify, I didn’t have a furious chicken on that alt account. All I had were the very basic cards. That’s all you need. Honestly, leave that chicken alone--he is SO MOODY! HAHAHA!)

If you enjoyed my post and want to try Splinterlands, please use my referral link:



Wow such a positive outlook and yes you're right having an alt account or two on standby helps you to maintain your 80% ECR without getting withdrawal symptoms.
You only need to have one ticket to win the lottery. And that's the great thing about Splinterlands it's just dumb luck that's gonna win you this race.
I often get in diamond league and sometimes the end of season rewards aren't as satisfying as the ones in my silver account. (And trust me playing Silver is way easier with a few extra cards)

Thank you, Random. It's good to know I don't need all the answers just yet to still win. :) And yes I would imagine it's much more satisfying to win in Silver and less grinding as well. Thanks for reading my post and responding. :) It made my day. :)

Sometimes in the lowest league you get best rewards!
One month ago I looted gold foil card and when I was in silver I got 2k dec from one of 3 boxes!
Now I don't have much luck for drop huge amount of decs, I feel like this loot is locked, but when it unlock it gonna be party time :D

HAHA YES!!Agreed on that! Party time for sure! Thanks for posting a comment! :) Your comments are quite helpful to how I play the game so thank you!! :)

Nice post and Imr just love your win-win mentality! We all can win together!
And dont even try to understand this game - its happening by itself!

HAHA YES! Exactly! :)

Wow. You got 2000 DEC from opening just one loot chest? Amazing! Congrats!

Yes! Thank you so much!! I couldn't believe it! I had to stare at it for a moment to make sure I was seeing it correctly, then I screamed! HAHA! :) Thanks for reading my blog and commenting! :) Have a great season and I hope you get good rewards! :)

Hey there. I like your positive messages. Way to keep things in perspective. Sometimes, I get too serious and competitive with this game and forget to have fun or enjoy those really clever wins. Lately, I have dedicate a little time to read some of the Splinterlands blogs and distribute some tournament winnings. It makes me smile to give back to the new players like you who are active and engaged.

You can add two more examples to your post. I had two new players join my guild two years ago with only starter decks. They learned to play and dedicated themselves to playing, learning, and earning. They were very hard workers and savers. Their skills sets became so good that they started to play investor's decks for a 50/50 split. One is now a top 3 player in the Champion league and the other is a good player earning a great living and having fun. I am so happy for them.

You hit on a great point about making the best of what you have. I think the most important thing for a new player is to 1, have fun, and 2, learn the strategies of each league. If you can hone that skill set, it will bring you opportunities to climb the ranks if that is your goal.

I enjoyed reading this post and that sun tea sounds really good. Another little gift will find its way to you. It's not as awesome as the 2K chest, but I hope you will enjoy it just the same. Take care.

Ahhh, Mello, thank you so much! You are so kind to me. I really appreciate your gift (which is just so thoughtful of you I can't even find the words to express how I feel about it.. thank you!), you great advice which is so helpful to new players like me, and your time which is invaluable, but you use that time to help others and that's so very generous.

I will keep all of this in mind as I continue to learn. I'm just doing the best I can as I go, and I'm enjoying it. My favorite part really is meeting new people from the community and hearing their stories. :)

BTW what is your Guild called? I've been thinking I want to get into one but yours is probably pretty competitive and I'm so new! HAHA!

Have a great day!

If you like to meet new people, then the Splinterlands community is second to none. And better yet, the developers of the game value their players and community, so our voices matter here.

My guild is Team Possible. We have several different levels for all types of players, but I think we are currently full with a waiting list. I will find out some more detail for you though. Happy battling.

Okay, thank you so much!!

So all Team Possible guilds are currently full. There is a wait list of about 30 players. There is no immediate plans to create more guilds unfortunately. If you are interested, I can add you to the wait list which is first come first serve.

Ahhh thank you, Mello! Someone sent me a guild invite so I have joined them now. It's a little bit of DEC a day, but I think it will pay off in the end or at least I hope so!! Thank you though SO MUCH for looking for me!! I truly appreciate it!

That's great that you joined a guild. I'm glad there are new ones available for new players. I know the membership fees sux, but it cost money to create and upgrade a guild so it's gotta come form somewhere. I hope you have a good experience with your guild. It can elevate your enjoyment of this game. Happy battling.

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