Anyone Know What's Up with the Town Hall Summaries?

in #splinterlands3 years ago



Where Are The Updates?

Hi everyone! I only have a few days left, but I will miss next Town Hall again next week, because I'll be flying across the pond back home to Kansas. I will have to do a "what I learned while in Australia post" at some point, but today, I'd like to say I'm surprised that Town Hall summaries aren't coming out for Splinterlands until a day or sometimes many days afterwards. Is anyone else noticing this? Is there a reason for the delay? I promise I'm not trying to complain and I hadn't noticed too much until I came to Australia and I can't listen to them as easily. I had to stop doing the minutes and it seemed like the Splinterlands summaries stopped as well. When I do the minutes, the Splinterlands summaries come out quite soon afterwards so it just seems odd to me.

Specifically, I remember several weeks ago I was looking for days for it, and FINALLY they made one, but in a "real-time" world, shouldn't a Town Hall Summary arrive fairly quickly after the event occurs? I thought to myself well perhaps they are on vacation and I don't want to imply anything negatively, but then the next week and the next, there is already new news/updates about the game before the Town Hall summary has even been posted.


There's Great Value in Sharing Updates on all Forms of Media

Once again, here's Rose the ideas girl, and I just think it's interesting that Splinterlands doesn't make summaries a priority as much as they could. A person could write up the minutes, post out the information, share on various forms of social media and then make quick infographics to express those highlights of what was most important. I haven't seen a Twitter post sharing the summaries in ages (unless I'm just missing them but I'm pretty fast on Twitter).

In fact, if they REALLY wanted to get with it, the summaries' person could then go back through the Discord comments and point out some of the great conversations that occur while the Town Hall is being held. If you're only watching on YouTube and not reading those comments as they roll by on the screen, you really miss out on some of the details. For example, I heard that Aggroed mentioned something in passing about land being PASSIVE in the game. Well, that is a HUGE bit of insight about land, isn't it? And so perhaps I need to just spill the tea.... maybe that's what I should write when I get home.... share all the hot tea from the AFTER Town Hall... hahaha.... :) Now I did see in the summary which came out just a few hours ago that they are saying land will not just be passive, but it does bring up some interesting thoughts on the land factor again. So what about sharing some of the AFTER commentary as well from the Town Hall? That would be very interesting.


If you want those summaries, let them know

So folks, I guess I'd like to know how many are looking for Town Hall summaries after the Town Hall and what value they believe they bring to the Splinterlands' community. If there's value, then maybe it's something Splinterlands could focus on a bit more and hey, since I've been happily doing the minutes when I can, I'm certainly game to help in any way I can. Either way, I'll be back to the minutes in 2 weeks, and I'm looking forward to it.

I believe if we share more information, if we explain Splinterlands in a more "laymans" terms for the general public, we will bring in dissatisfied people to Splinterlands easily because they will see the value of this game like we already do! Yipppeee!!!

Please remember my post is not meant to be financial advice and is just my opinion.
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I miss your write ups on the Town Halls! They were so detailed and helpful!

Thank you so much, AfterSound! I'll be back to it as soon as I get back home to Kansas. I fly back on Monday so I won't get this next Town Hall but the following one I plan to be there!! :) Hope you're doing well! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!

Yes I love to see good summaries of the Town halls from you. Something I can read in 5 to 10 minutes without listening to 2 hours of the show.

YAY! Thanks so much, Steve! I'll be back to it in a couple weeks! I'm looking forward to it. I started doing the minutes because it helps me catch all the little casual moments that are often overlooked. Sometimes those are the most important moments. :) Hope you're doing well, Steve!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Yeah, I've noticed this too! I like to go through your summaries on stream because they're so wonderfully detailed.

YAY! Thank you so much, Crypto Llama!! :) I'll be back to it in 2 weeks. I am really excited about what's coming for Splinterlands. I feel like it's time for the market to explode. :) Thank you for reading and commenting.

You're welcome! Looking forward to your return so we can get some more fantastic summary goodness.

Also, you came to Australia for a holiday? Where did you visit? Hopefully Tasmania. Hands down the most beautiful state in Australia.

Oh are you in Australia? I was in the Queensland area staying out in the bush.. hahaha... I did visit the Gold Coast and Sydney but was mainly out on some property just enjoying the simple life. :) And yes it was a sort of working holiday. I was working some but mainly a holiday. It was beautiful and I hope to go back for sure! I got back to Kansas late last night and I'm exhausted! :)

I miss your summaries. I want to keep up on the game since I have so much invested in it and your summaries of the townhall, sometimes there articles, and talking to @jarvie are how I do it.

Great ideas about the other commentaries too. So fun that you are coming back to the US. If it is this early it looks like you won't make it to Splinterfest?

Hi Sara!!

Thanks so much for your kind words! You're lucky to have Jarvie to chat to about it. I often wonder what his thoughts are on the matter but he's busy so I hate to be a bother. I don't think I'll be able to make it to Splinterfest sadly. I'm not sure of the price even for the event and I need to budget. You were debating it; have you decided yet? I wish we had more information on it because perhaps I could find a way to make it work but as of right now, I am leaning towards no.

I am definitely leaning towards no too. I would go to see Scotty and Sergio and I will see them at HiveFest in September.

When I miss (or don't have time for) the live broadcast, it's helpful to have a summary to get the important points quick and easy.

Yes, I feel like it's a good reference too to visit when you can't remember what was said back at so and so Town Hall. I would think it's pretty important for Splinterlands to keep good records of it, if anything just to show their incredible progression on the game. :)

Have a great day, Gregory!! :) I hear a cool front might be coming in next week which will be good. I'm not looking forward to these 100 plus temps but I guess it's just that time of year and it passes quickly. :)

I also prefer yours, it's right that I miss him a lot

Thank you so much, Deadzy! I'll be back in two weeks and I really appreciate the comment. It helps me to know it's worth my time to post them. I'm looking forward to it! You have a great day!


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Miss your article ~