Looking forward to these. I wish affiliate rewards were better, I worked very hard to bring on others into the game. It seems every year those rewards get less and less. I know people were abusing that system and why the first nerf was made a couple years ago, but I feel this system should be looked at again.
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The reasoning given to us for lack of affiliate payments, "affiliate abuse is why we only include credit purchases for affiliate bonus" is BS. Splinterlands the company is out the same much per affiliate rewards given no matter who gets the affiliate rewards (the 5% offered). It would be nice to see Splinterlands get back on track with giving affiliates a straight 5% bonus like was advertised to us when we started recruiting for the game.
Scenario 1:
I signup up using @reseller Splinterlands link. I make a $100 USD purchase. Reseller then earns $5 USD. The Splinterlands company is out $5/5% of the purchase.
Scenario Two:
I signup up using @reseller Splinterlands link. I notice the affiliate deal and decide I'm better off making a second account to make my purchases on. I make a $100 USD purchase on my second account. I then earn $5 USD. The Splinterlands company is out $5/5% of the purchase.
Yeah, credits only is really kinda shitty. With you on this one!
They're not wrong but I still think it needs a rework in some way. The original rewards were AMAZING, most players will never know what that was like. I also get that we are at a point that affiliate marketing has little value as people are now joining the game in mass.
A contract is a contract. Players now joining in masses doesn't take away from that. Affiliates were promised 5% of lifelong purchases made from those we sign up. When the affiliate contract was first put in place there was no mention that we only get 5% if our sign up uses A currency but if they use B to Z currency we get nothing. If Splinterlands wants to make a new deal for new affiliate marketers then they can but past deals already in place should be honored as well. I don't want to harp on this too much because Splinterlands offers us many ways to earn but that is how I see it.
Good points I agree with
Surly in Scenario Two the company is up $5 as you need to spend $10 to open up a new account.
I always thought the affiliate rewards were way too high, personally. No one really deserves to make money for infinity for bringing someone to a game once. In my opinion, that is.
However, my opinion doesn't matter, big picture. If they had something set up as an affiliate system, changing it later will definitely upset people, and I understand why they're upset.
From the beginning and until the end, one of the biggest hurdles for a game like this, in which it's possible to make real and decent money, is people exploiting it. I commend the Splinterlands team for what they've done to curb this exploitation, even though it ruffles a lot of feathers.
Agreed by 100%, struggling with this too