Interesting cards ....
Gelatinous Cube is likely going to be popular and for some reason the Baby Unicorn had me laughing out loud when I seen it.
I know new cards need to keep circulating in but the more we have in the game the harder it will be to get the average Joe/Jane to play. Simplicity is best for mass adaption imo. Which brings me to the latest suggestion post I created. I think its time to introduce Classic Splinterlands (Steemmonsters).
I like the idea, but to keep things fresh I would go the other way like in hearthstone. They have a 'wild' mode where all cards are permitted and a standard mode where only cards from the last 2 years (I think) are permitted. This makes it easier for new players and old players still get to play with their old deck if they choose.
The leagues run side by side so you can compete in both or just one. You receive rewards based on the highest score you get in the two league.