When to buy πŸ™Œ When to hodl πŸ’Ž When to sell πŸ’²

in #splinterlands β€’ 4 years ago


Over the last few days, we've seen the crypto market, as a whole, go down in price, and there has been a lot of speculation as to why that happened. I am not writing this to give an opinion on what happened as there are many factors on why markets go down and up in price. I'm writing this because a member one of my Splinterlands guilds asked if we should be scared about the prices of Splintershards (SPS) and Dark Energy Crystals (DEC) going down and he thought about selling some cards because he wanted to come out saying he at least made some money from the game. Within seconds, I wrote back and said, "NO! Buy the dip!"

Cards and DEC have gone up a lot within the last few weeks, and I believe some card prices are a bit high for the value of the card. What I look for when determining the value of a card's price is about the same for most assets: "What do I gain by owning this card?" I take into account the ability to win battles, the rental income it can produce if I decide to not consistently play it in ranked matches or tournaments, and the likelihood of the asset (in this case, the card) appreciating over time. All of those things have one thing in common: cash flow!untitled.gif

Although I do believe DEC is overvalued, players in the community are HODLing the token to receive more SPS rewards, as it's a 1 to 1 match for SPS airdrop points. I do think with the amount of players entering the game and what the developers are doing to increase the value of SPS, SPS will get up to $1.00 by the end of the year. Below πŸ‘‡ is the current price of SPS as of the time I am writing this blog.

Screenshot (119).png

Also an update on player growth:
written by Aggroed- founder

"September 8th, 2021 numbers
15,093 registered
13,486 spellbooks purchased (89% for those keeping track)

663k registered
315k spellbook owners

17,582 registrations
11,818 spellbook purchases

200k Daily Active Users: Unlocked!
400k spellbook owners: 7
Days to 1M registered users: 19
Days to 1M spellbook owners: 58
Days to 1M daily active accounts at 75% engagement: 77
Days to 3.5M daily active accounts (like Hearthstone): 359
"September 8th, 2021 numbers
15,093 registered
13,486 spellbooks purchased (89% for those keeping track)

663k registered
315k spellbook owners

17,582 registrations
11,818 spellbook purchases

200k Daily Active Users: Unlocked!
400k spellbook owners: 7
Days to 1M registered users: 19
Days to 1M spellbook owners: 58
Days to 1M daily active accounts at 75% engagement: 77
Days to 3.5M daily active accounts (like Hearthstone): 359"

My suggestion is to buy and hodl SPS, cards, and DEC. DEC was never intended to be up so high in price and I see that being corrected within the next few weeks. I plan on making some big purchases come legion and will HODL until I see player counts drop. I use a few websites to help me check player count as well as card value.

https://peakmonsters.com/ for player count. Click 'Explorer', then 'Dashboard'.

https://splinteralert.web.app/ for cards that are undervalued.

https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/splinterlands for the current value of the SPS and DEC token.

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I'll admit, I'm such a crypto noob that I also am also wondering if I should sell or HODL or even buy. Nice write up!