Hi guys, i hope all of you are having more luck than I 😟
Today i has the sneak quest (monsters with sneak target the last monster in the enemy team).
I'm new in splinterlands (i don't know various strategies yet) so i just focus in 1 deck actually - Mylor and friends 😄.
The monsters options i have this time was:
Sand Worm is the only card of this list that i need to rent, he is really cheap (0.1 DEC/day), but if you don't want to rent him that is okay, i just use this monster when i play a game of high mana cap (normally 99).
I play with earth deck because in my opinion that is the cheapest deck you can build to climb novice/bronze and even silver if you could afford some cards to complement. The core of my comp are this 4 cards: Mylor (provide me with a great way to beat melee monsters), Unicorn Mustang (very good against magic damage, because of the void hability), Sporcerer (perfect card to play against a lot of armor, very good against light deck and dragon + fire monsters) and Chicken (0 cost that can reflect damage because of mylor). To complemente this deck i play cards that could counter the decks my enemy normally plays or cards that i could afford with the mana cap.
Check the game Here
Check the game Here
Check the game Here
Check the game Here
Check the game Here
With the fifth win i complete the quest.
So lets open the chest.
I got Pelacor Mercenary as the reward, a new card who can survive a very long time if you are lucky enoug, because of his high health point + the fly ability (increase the evading chance against melee and ranged attacks from monster who do not have the flying ability).
That's all for today folks, i hope you find this post useful, feel free to utilize this strategy (in the lower ranks it definitily works) and climb the leagues.
If you want to start playing splinterlands use this link: Here
Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

Well done