This season I played my accounts in different tires. 2 accounts were played with Gold Season chest and 1 account I kept with Silver chest. I am trying to know which kind of gaming will work best for players like me who rent most cards to play on higher leagues.
I am player who's slowly building up my collections, putting few dollars here and there but mostly it is what I got from the rewards that I am revolving to get the cards I need to build a better deck. Then I try to make contents to earn few HIVE that could help me as well.
Currently, I own Bronze level summoners and few silver level monsters, mostly Chaos and rewards cards. Thanks to the chaos packs that we are getting in the rewards now, that helped a lot in building my cards. I do open them, even though it might be better selling it and pick the right card that I still need, BUT OPENING PACKS IS SOOOOO FUNNNNN!!!
With all the changes that has happened in the system playing in the right tire is so important especially each tire is now offering significant difference on each level both on what you can ear every win and the amount of the season chests.
So how big difference really it is to move from one tier to another. Is the rent worth it?
Average rental cost for each tiers are below if you barely have any cards owned and you rent for a competitive deck
Silver: 300-500 DEC
Gold: 1500-3000 DEC
Diamond: 3000-5000 DEC
Good thing for me I owned quite a few cards already so my rent are way lower than the average, probably half. Plus I don't rent max for the tier I am playing just enough to be able to compete decently.
Silver: 100-300 DEC
Gold: 300-500 DEC
And here are the results of my last season (amount not including potion value)
(playing mostly Silver 1 then moved to Gold at the last 4 days of the season)
Alt accounts
(playing mostly Silver 1 then moved to Gold at the last days of the season just to have Gold Season chest)
As we can see the value earned was doubled to almost tripled comparing my Gold accounts compared to my silver account.
Last season, playing in silver is not too stressful :) as there were a lot of bots using lvl 1 cards providing easy wins. It seems that due to the reward change most stronger deck bots are now playing on the higher leagues, starting at Gold as the difference of the rewards are now significantly obvious.
Ranked battle would give around 0.07 - 0.1 sps every win in Silver while 0.3-.5 in Gold. looking at this difference it would take around 30 wins to be able to get back the rental cost
So for me if you are confident enough for you to win in the higher league then it is worth it to ranked up your battle. Yes, there maybe days wherein you will get bad daily rewards but being in the higher league means getting greater chance to get those high number rewards. :)
But nonetheless. SPL is a game to enjoy. Do not stress yourself up too much. Play where you enjoy the most!
Thanks for sharing! - @yonilkar