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RE: Splinterlands mentioned on YT.. Uhhh

in #splinterlands8 months ago (edited)

I've always thought of Hive as being the earth. Then all communities, buildings (projects), and tribalism; that's life. 100% natural. The way of the world, on a smaller scale. Hive to me is just a blockchain. An inanimate object yet can be seen as living, in the same way you could say the earth is alive.

Cults can spring up here. Just look for the charismatic leader doing everything in their power to (appear to)be champion of the people, all while extracting as much money directly from their community as possible. Look at the entire world of crypto and you'll see quite a few of those.

My experience with SPL goes something like: I have cards and don't even know where they came from.

One day it was announced I won a pack or two, so okay after all these years I decide to go to the site and give this game a try.

I'm looking at this menu screen that doesn't make any sense, like I stepped into an alien spacecraft and am now expected to control it but don't even speak the language. No clue what all these symbols mean. After 20 or 30 minutes of messing around I finally figure out how to open the pack and a message pops up saying I don't have enough of something I never heard of, so I can't open the pack until I buy something I don't know how to buy.

Fucking rage quit and never went back lol. And I'm the type of gamer that can land on the moon in KSP, build an entire base there, and call it easy.

And not seeing thousands of smaller voters backing that proposal should be a wake up call for a lot of people. Either they don't know how to work Hive's various menu screens and that confusion is contributing to SPL's struggle to gain traction in the DHF, or those people don't even exist. This entire time, I was under the impression those thousands of accounts signing up to play the game actually had some HP as well. It's so ridiculous. Do the math. Can you see how inexpensive 1 million HP is when you've got thousands of people contributing to that pile. Doubling the size of that pile is dirt cheap and could lead to the game receiving a half million dollars. And everyone still owns their HP so could have their money back or even make a profit ffs.

What really happened, and I watched it happen, was people with HP dumped it and went all in on SPL. And now not having the ability to support themselves and have that proposal passed is somehow the fault of "The Hive Community."

Boils down to a group of people with common interests, mismanaging itself. A community, on the earth, stripping the land of resources, then running into a shortage, potentially leading to their downfall. Similar to the Rapa Nui people. Those cards would be the massive stone heads on Easter Island.

Apologies for the long comment dude. I just have a lot to say sometimes.