Hey guys welcome back to my hive blog, today as usually i'll write about splinterland again, today i am will continue write my journey in splinterland ecosystem, you might not read my first post about my journey yet, so i am is one of older splinterland player, i've playing since its still on alpha stage and still playing till this day, i've long and lot of story playing splinterland, like know more lots of new friend, hearing their story, and watch their game play. even if steemmonster AKA splinterland has been change lot of thing, i still love to play, more card and more ruleset insl the game make it more fun to play that games, also there earning chance is still at good rate on this day.
In this post i'll think i am will write a different thing beetwen time to time reward change. From when aplha stage, beta, then orbs, chaos Legion then rifwatcher time.
There lota of thing has changed in the reward to splinterland givet to player, on old days we get aplha pack every time we finish quest, and we just need to play and win 5 battle a day. And after we finish the battle we got aplha pack, on that day alpha pack have price between 2-3/$ each. Also the amout of pack that we got is depend on what league we are on, highest leauge we are highest amout pack we get. I am forget the exact amout of pack we get. If you have the old memories or old screenshot you can share to me in the comment below.unfortunately I don't have any screenshots showing the prizes I got at that time. if any one among the readers who might have a save of time please share it with me.
after that splinterland team changed the reward to new system. if i am not wrong then slinterland introduce the new update of reward system. they introduce the reward card . and its mean every time wee finish the dayli quest we got the card as a reward. and also on that time splinterland introduce new currency in the game ecosystem. and this is the example the reward that i got on that time.
and you can see from picture above i am get few good card. gold epic,rare and also of course few common card. the card the i get above is my reward after i complete dayli quest. there is 6 total card. i think if am not wrong that is the reward for gold or silver leauge. i am not sure which league i am on that time.
then splinterland changed its reward sharing mechanism again. from card to loot chase. the contents of the loot chase also vary. there are cards, dec, pack, potion and merits point. and this applies to all types of rewards. both daily rewards and seasonal rewards
as you can see from picture above i am get few thing on reward chest. i get dec, card orbs pack and also of course potion. that reward i got is from completing dayli quest on diamond league.then at that moment, the splinterland team also gave away prizes in the form of dec, which is the currency used by players to make transactions in the game. This dec can be obtained from buying from other players, from winning matches or from loot chases. and the amount you get also depends on how high our league is, the higher our league is, the more prizes we will get.
This system then lasted quite a long time, where more and more cards were printed. until then the printed card reaches the specified limit, the card that has run out of print is then replaced with a new type of card. This change is quite interesting because in order to prevent the card population from circulating excessively in the game, at this time the Splinterland team also changes the type of prizes given every time they win a battle. from dec then change to sps. then change to dec again and then back to sps, where the sps you get also have to wait for 4 weeks so it can be used.
then after that changes occurred again in the prize distribution system, splinterland again introduced a new system, namely the focus point system. where every certain number of points won by the player will get a chest with various contents. and the calculation of points and the quality of the chest that players get also depends on how high their league is, the higher our league is, the more points we get and the better the quality of the chest we will get. the picture below will show you the reward i got from seasonal chest from last season
. the reward i got above is reward for season reward from silver chest . the reward is pretty good.
here is the end of my post, hope you like my post and see you in my next post
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121