Monster Burner Post 137 - September 17 2020


Welcome to the 137th Monster Burner post. Thank you for your continued support. Let's keep burning cards! 🔥🔥
Check out this post to read more about the project.

How to Vote

To vote, simply reply to one of the three comments below. Today's liquid earnings and your votes will go towards burning a card from the Life Splinter. Check back on our 145th post to see the burn report for this post.

Free Guild

Our free guild for new and low-level players is open! If you'd like to join, come over to our Discord and leave us a message. Be sure to read the requirements as well.
The guild has been upgraded to level 3! We'll keep upgrading it over time as we get enough DEC.

Bonus Burn

Bonus Burn complete! We spent 10000 DEC and got 9390 back from burned cards. Check the transaction here.

Guild Upgrade

We also spent 10000 DEC to upgrade our free guild to level 3! We have a few slots open, so come over to our Discord and say hello if you want to join.

Bonus Burn

We'll do another bonus burn and guild donation next! Progess: 9047/10000 DEC.

Monster Burner Stat Report


We'll be selling off our SPT & BATTLE tokens every season and buying more credits to burn more cards each day. We recently converted our tokens to 2100 credits and will be spending an additional 300 per day for a week.

  • Total Credits spent: 38297
  • Total BCX burned: 2287
  • Total DEC earned: 39358
  • Credits from SPT & BATTLE: 1840

Monster Burner Post 129

  • 0.000 HIVE
  • 0.083 HBD
Price Info: 1000 Credits =
  • 6.006 HIVE
  • 1.028 HBD
Final Results
  • Payout value in Credits: 380
  • Credits spent on cards: 374
  • Featured card: Barking Spider with 4 votes
  • BCX purchased and burned: 42 (View Transaction)

Monster Burner Bot Report

The @monster-burner Splinterlands account has been decked out with cards and will be playing matches for daily and season reward chests.
All of the rewards from these chests will be burned, of course, and the DEC will go into the pool along with the earnings from these posts.

Reward Stats
  • DEC from chests: 25878
  • Reward BCX from chests: 301
  • Burn DEC from rewards: 19785

Splinterlands News

  • Azmare Dice first airdrop id live. Go check if you got lucky and received Lensmaster

Today's Candidates

Here is your daily choice of monsters to be burned:

Go vote in the comments below!

How to Support the Project

Upvote the daily burn posts, vote for cards each day, and spread the word!
You can also use our referral link.

Thanks for everything so far, and see you tomorrow!


Reply to this comment to cast your vote for Silvershield Archers to be burned. 🔥

Reply to this comment to cast your vote for Warrior of Peace to be burned. 🔥

() Reply to this comment to cast your vote for Baby Unicorn to be burned. 🔥