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RE: Collection Power - Phase 2 Details

in #splinterlands5 years ago

First of all, have a look at pic below and then say if you see a problem here

I will now write what I see here, unfortunately not good stuff. Good stuff is that Splinterlands are making good game as well as a system, we all invest some money that is not lost that way, and above all we get some fun time. What is bad is where game is at now, that problems of in-game things are not being solved at all, and that we all have problems with our money given to Splinterlands. I will start with the pic above.

It is time of Collection Power, namely its 1st season. Things not being present before are large difference between opponents ranks. To me, it firstly started with 300-400 rating points stronger or weaker opponents, but now I am facing with 800+ rating pts difference. Silly isn't it? And I am convinced that in-game pairing system is broken, bad job Splinterlands. The future to expect this way would be 1,500 difference, come on!

So it is time of Collection Power has started.
Splinterlands saying all good things happening because problems being solved. Mavericks in top League are now getting full value of their rewards, nobody is standing in their ways now, also incoming Leaderborads rewards will be generous in rewards to all lower level leagues because player will be happy with rewards since they all have been cut off from higher leagues. Etc, etc, etc... Sorry for not being able to name all things.
Now I am risking to be named a Doomsday caller for what I am writing next. So I am still looking at pic above. It is from Silver Leagues 1, 2, and 3, where I am at now and getting 2 boxes (sometimes not a potion), with zero chance of improving rewards because every additional box will be potion (know by players because of high percentage of potions), namely I am not happy with 100% lost value of rewards compared to boost of value in top league. Then looking at my opponent which is Silver league bot having 800+ rating pts more than me, I am confident that no human player like myself will have chance larger than zero to receive any leaderboard reward since we all expect it to be based on rating pts. Meaning I am not happy with leaderboards rewards coming soon. Most importantly I am seeing Splinterlands did not want to solve problems (problems led that led game to Collection Power) but have put the problems there where nobody would complain. Bad job Splinterlands 2x.

Personally, I know of FED institution issuing dollar as money. What I want to point out is that there are persons here saying that one dollar of 10 USD pile is valued less than one dollar of 10,000 USD pile of money. I am pretty sure that FED would be offended, and I am not sure how we all should name persons saying so. From me, you can see me saying how it is wrong.

Splinterlands I am saying to you, all things done are bad now.


I wish the Splinterlands team would outlaw bots and put their own bots in the game that are programmed to never accept rewards. The bots are important to the game because without them we would never get matches. I fear the leaderboard changes will just be dominated by bots exclusively because they play 24/7.

I understand their changes and the need for them but it doesn’t solve the problem with a lack of human players and trying to attract new players to the game. Perhaps people bronze and silver league rewards could only be reward cards or untamed packs? No DEC or potions. I know it would piss me off to play in those really lower leagues, spend an hour on a quest and earn 5 DEC as a reward in the chest. That’s brutal and wrong if you want new people to play!

Completely agree on the bot comment!
There is no reason they can't run their own official bots which are properly leveled opponents who don't gain rewards. The bots could trigger anytime a player is waiting longer than a minute or two and would only run when needed.

Man 1 minute? That would be awful lol I would say 30 seconds!

It is these low leagues players talking about how bad it is with Collection Power. Splinterlands team is just blind for their real problems now, probably thinking nothing will happen if all humans leave the game for good. Although problems are obvious to players, Splintelands team is still talking about some sort of mind changing of human players who would suddenly print out piles of USD and hand them over to Splinterlands. It can be seen in Splinterlands AMAs.

Everything in game is set against human player, and good for bot. @Miloshpro has pointed out here that already now there is no hope for humans to collect future Leaderboard rewards.