Hello there, my name is Mihrk.
Just to show off today's catch:
I have seen a lot of posts for and against Botting inside splinterlands. At this time I actually think both sides have a very good points. I have recently started posting a short blog about my days Botting to show the average profit from an average botter. If you wish to see my other pots you can start at the links below.
Admissions of a Botter: End of Season Start
Admissions of a Botter: Day 1
Good Evening, today is day 3 of my 30 day Botting Blog. It is a Saturday night and I just got home after having a night out with my wife. After getting the dogs tucked away I decided to hop on to the bots to see our daily return. At first glance it actually seemed like another bad day. It does look like my bots could use some more rental power so I guess I will liquidate more cards however today did indeed have a silver lining.
While my Dec returns were low compared to normal today we had a rather nice return on our card investments. I earned over 200 cards today and if you look it looks like we landed a jackpoint! A gold Foil Harklaw straight off the press! Now getting a Gold Foil legendary is very rare, in fact this is actually my first one since I started botting however it is a welcome addition to my collection.
Okay, so it looks like the amount of cards being rented went up. Slowly increasing our income. So another win tonight. Hopefully this momentum carries forward!
End of Night Setup for Tomorrow
This past evening I powered my bots but it looks like they can still use some more. I am off to purchase more Hive Power! It seems that while my bots can maintain their rc at 1 game per 25 minutes it is slowly eating away at the total causing delays. The Good news however is that they are at least playing so we are well above 50% capacity.
Bot Rewards at End of Day Today
I do have 55 more accounts that have accumulated Chests but are still waiting on their timer to expire. About 3 to 4 more for tonight so the total earnings is not done yet. As before I have attached a screenshot below with more information. Please also understand that the 55 accounts holding chests do not mean 1 chest only. Some bots have 6 chest and some have only have 1.
My Daily Costs
Cost per Bot
One Time:
$10 Per account
$4 dollars in Hive Power (This was $2 dollars before but has shown to be inefficient. I am doubling my investment for the second time here over the next few weeks.)
100 dec to power it
Daily as of 7/14/2022:
$0.03 per day
~26 dec per day for desired cards (today's rental costs are pretty low which helped me save a few dec on average.)
Todays Return: is $29.24
My Daily cost right now is $6 a day not including the dec to keep these bots active. Todays return was $35.24 so it has been a profitable day. A Gold Foil Legendary is one of the best investments you can hope for. The only other item I get this excited about are card packs however we have yet to obtain any of those.
The Good news with this return as well is that the dec earnings is going to be decent with the Golden Harklaw. I am also debating flipping this Golden Harklaw to obtain more Hive Power to further fuel my bot investment.
Interested in learning how to Bot?
This is a question I wanted to ask the community. I am a botter and a lot of us in this community are really a learn as you go. I am in the middle of writing a guide book for a friend on how to Bot with no technical Know how outside of getting dec (which can now be done with a Credit Card. Way to go Splinterlands Team!). If this is something you, the community is interested in let me know. Ill start throwing steps of it up too.
About Me
I have been botting for about a year now. I have grown my Card Power from botting alone from 50k to 260k. I currently run 180 accounts daily and utilize a 3rd party Rental Service and Battler Service. I do have some proprietary Bots for reselling but at this time it is not running. I am currently learning Java and Python (some experience here). Splinterlands is my only Crypto game I participate in at this time but always looking for more.
If you enjoyed tonight's content please leave some constructive feedback. My Grammar isn't the best but I hope I conveyed what you needed to know. If it was too long or you have any questions please let me know!
View yesterdays Post Here.