Admissions of a Botter

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

Hello there, my name is Mihrk.

I have seen a lot of posts for and against Botting inside splinterlands. At this time I actually think both sides have a very good points. What I am going to do starting today, is I am going to show everyone my botting results, daily or every other day (depends on how much traction this gets) for at least a month starting today. My honest hope is that by revealing a glimpse into the botting community it will help educate the userbase into making an educated stance. I plan to hold nothing back outside of any details to protect my accounts. So here, we, go!

Now keep in mind the results you will be seeing are from the day before, this is because until all the quest chests are collected we cannot get an accurate return on our investment. These results from yesterday are honestly above normal but I do see something of this nature once out of every 3 or 4 months.



This is the return for 24 hours with End of Season rewards. Now out of the assets listed, your common and rare cards right now are almost throwaway value (if left at level 1). Reason being is that you cannot rent them out or sell them for any worthwhile price. Even at season end they tend to not really return any significant investment. I can of course combine these rewards however to change that factor but will require an RC Burn.


Now we are on to our second income source. That of course is your standard rentals. Why does this count as income towards the Bot? Why because all the reward cards I received from Botting of course! Let's take a look at what PeakMonsters has to say for this return as of the time of this post. Yesterday evening I had about 700 dec just on Rewards alone.


Keep in mind as well, this does not include the rewards from the Chaos pack cards I received through chests as well. That number however is very difficult to quantify. I have not received a card pack with 130 bots for about a week of running.

End of Night Setup for Tomorrow

Starting at the end of the today I purchased another 50 accounts for around $4.00 each. This price is quite high among the botting community but it is from a source/dealer I trust. With that in order to power the Bots for the automatic rentals I needed to deposit 100 dec each to get them started. On top of that I had to spend the time creating unique decks for the new modern format. My total time investment today for those 50 was about 5 hours of work.

Bot Rewards at End of Day Today

Keep in mind this is beginning of season. It is normal for rewards to be drastically lower. This is also just the start of todays quests so I am by no means alarmed at the very low rates. In our post tomorrow we will see a more accurate representation of an actual days worth of returns on 180 bots. I am pretty excited!


My Daily Costs

Here is something I wanted to cover. The numbers you see above? Those fantastic fat paychecks? Well that's Gross. Let's break down the cost to run the Bot on a daily basis.

For the Automated battles, I use a third party service (I have my own but it runs on my computer and with the size of my bot farm growing its pretty unfeasible at this time. Im sure this can be corrected as I gain more programming/development knowledge). This cost me $1.00 an account per month or $0.03 a day. On top of that we have our Rental costs which do change from start of season to end of season. The average however right now is about 25 dec a day per bot just for the focus cards. Then for power its about another 20 dec (this ranges, less at season start and more at season end) Then you have the investment of Hive Power per bot which is 5 just to prevent it from running out of RC. Then you have to purchase the bots yourself. If you use a 3rd party retiring botter you can usually net a good deal.

Cost per Bot

One Time:

$10 Per account
$2 dollars in Hive Power
100 dec to power it

Daily as of 7/14/2022:
$0.03 per day
~45 dec per day for desired cards

Disadvantages Botters Offer

Alright some of the obvious disadvantages is reduction in rewards for other players. If you look at my end of Season Rewards I literally absorbed 1,000+ cards. If I can replicate that everyday you can only imagine how this can affect players.

The other disadvantage that you have to keep in mind is the New Player experience. It can make it pretty abysmal if you are not aware of the winning combinations. I personally do think Botting can hurt the new player experience. Believe it or not I am for nerfing bots in bronze. I would like to see the requirements to be profitable require at least a Silver level deck.

Advantages Botters Offer

Botting does offer the community several large advantages that I do feel get taken for Granted.
For one a large portion of your Daily rentals is fueled by players like myself. You know that trash Rare card you have that no one else wants? For the right price Ill rent it from you daily, 30 days a month if you let me.

Same guys for Card purchases. At this time I am amassing card power for my bots to reduce the rental burden and improve my net profit. This means that your cheap rares and commons? Im the guy buying them 20, 30, 40 at a time.

We also help keep the queue times lower. Especially with the addition of the split leagues I think this will be needed more than before. Most Bots right now are stuck in Wild format (Mine are not! Hurray for small wins!)

Another thing we do provide as well besides liquidity of Splinterlands Cards, Hive Power. Botters that have their Bots rent, need, LOTS of Hive Power. For 130 bots just to keep them limping along on a daily basis I need at least 5 power each. That means Im selling my Dec, SPS, Epic cards etc to make that purchase.

Interested in learning how to Bot?

This is a question I wanted to ask the community. I am a botter and a lot of us in this community are really a learn as you go. I am in the middle of writing a guide book for a friend on how to Bot with no technical Know how outside of getting dec (which can now be done with a Credit Card. Way to go Splinterlands Team!). If this is something you, the community is interested in let me know. Ill start throwing steps of it up too.

About Me


I have been botting for about a year now. I have grown my Card Power from botting alone from 50k to 260k. I currently run 180 accounts daily and utilize a 3rd party Rental Service and Battler Service. I do have some proprietary Bots for reselling but at this time it is not running. I am currently learning Java and Python (some experience here). Splinterlands is my only Crypto game I participate in at this time but always looking for more.

If you enjoyed tonight's content please leave some constructive feedback. My Grammar isn't the best but I hope I conveyed what you needed to know. If it was too long or you have any questions please let me know!


Very nice article I must say, never thought that would upvote a botter's post, but here I am. Glad that you shared your knowledge and experience with us, I think that the target of educate people is legit and will look forward for your posts.

How does this change now that new rulesets and 2 day renting is out?

Honestly, the Ruleset increases the upfront cost but long term it ends up being the same. For the new rulesets I have to change a lot of my teams and I am currently burning extra dec renting cards out. However it has not had too much of an impact especially since I personally own a large collection.