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RE: Security Updates

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

One security issue is that bots are being able to exploit newbies that does not have enabled the option to "hide" their selected cards, enabling the cheater to know exactly your cards and build a perfect team to beat it.

I don't know why hidden cards isn't the default.


This is a trade off, and even as a veteran I've only recently become aware this was a thing, but if you turn this option off you forfeit the ability to achieve a victory (towards your daily quest) if the opponent flees after you've submitted a team, so I'm gathering the people who did know about "splinterviewer" just waited until the time was nearly up to submit so that exploit couldn't be used, but I agree, all things considered we should just adapt to not getting quest credit on surrenders...

Wait... what is all of this? I had no idea about any of this... is there anything I need to do or set to avoid this issue?

I don't think so. I believe they've already made it default and removed the toggle, but the issue as I understand it was, but leaving the former setting "Do not reveal team until..." off made it possible to see what some one had submitted in a brief window, that could be exploited by someone quick enough, or bots.

Turning it off however meant that if the opponent fled after your team was submitted, you wouldn't get credit for a daily quest even if you met the criteria.

I never thought much about it, but in retrospect I can see how I should've been more concerned about keeping my cards close to my chest instead of opting for an occasional easy win.

I have no idea any of this was a thing... but personally I love the occasional easy win... and I deliberately choose my cards quickly if only one or two splinters are allowed because they tend to be the most surrendered by opponents.

So... I guess none of this is really an issue anymore?

I don’t think so. I read they were going to change it and I realized today the toggle is gone so I imagine if you already had it on it’s on forever. I’d check, though.

This is what I see.... do you reckon I need to toggle that last one on?


I don't think you can. I didn't see that option anymore but I remember having it once upon a time.

I think it should be off but try to toggle it on and see if it's still an active option. I still think I'd turn it back off, though, if you can interact with it.

Afaik this is also going to be addressed soon™

this has already been addressed. The hide cards is always on now so forfeits will no longer give points towards daily quests. By default this is what's shown in the settings.

Do you know if this is the new default for ALL players, or just the new default for newly signuped players?

All players.

In that picture is on or off? it seems is off. You have to toggle it on (blue) so battle results until vieweed are hidden? am i right or wrong?

oh in that picture, that's how the settings look like now. There is no more toggle to turn it on of off.