Hi! This is my entry for Splinterlands WEEK 157 contest.

First I drew it on a plain paper

then after that, I transfer it on my computer and started tracing and revising it. Here's the result.

and the final product.

I know that I coloured it effortless but pardon me because I really s*cked at coloring.
What Inspires me to make this?
Since I'm a fan or Magic Cards, Mr. One concept came from Elven Mystic a magic water neutral card with the abilities of Silence(Reduces the magic attack of all enemy monsters) and Affliction(hit enemy wont be able to
But, Mr. One is different. Mr. One has the ability called "Disguise" the ability to steal someone's stats or even the ability. I know that sounds pretty OP but since new packs will be release in a few weeks, I was thinking that this is the best time to introduce a new ability.