Splinterlands: Unicorn Stampede

in #splinterlands3 years ago
Authored by @Lennn PH


I hope you all are having an awesome day.

Today, I will be sharing to you all one of my favorite line-ups under my favorite splinter. I will also be going through the breakdown and explanation on each of the card choices. I will also include the link for the match.

Without further ado, let me present to you:


The goal of this set is to apply as much buffs possible to the Sacred Unicorn to further boost its damage output so that it would be able to ram through the opposing team like a hot knife through butter. Applying debuffs to the opponent's team is also very important to assist the Unicorn. On this section I will show you what cards I have used for me to achieve that.
Take note that this match was played under Gold League thus limiting some higher level abilities from being used. This also requires the Stampede Ruleset to be active.

Cards Used:

Sacred Unicorn

Here's the protagonist of this story. The Big Bad Legendary Pony himself. This bad boy packs a punch with his 5 Melee Damage, Piercing ability, self healing, and ofcourse, the Trample ability. He only has one job: dive headfirst into the enemy team and plow through every single monster in front of him.

But ofcourse, he's gonna need some help from his team if he wants to make it out alive. And his teammates are here to make sure he gets the job done.

Silvershield Knight

This guy isn't a unicorn nor is he riding one but he surely can plow through the enemy team just like one. On this match however, his main job is to inspire the big bad unicorn, further raising his melee damage. If ever the super saiyan Unicorn couldn't get the job done, he's here to the rescue. (He doesn't look as cool as the Sacred Unicorn tho. :P )


Like a noisy highschool cheerleader, the Evangelist's loud shouts inspire the whole team, further increasing the melee damage output. And if that's not enough, her whopping 4 ranged damage can finish off whatever the Unicorn couldn't pierce through.

The Evangelist can also have access to the Rust ability which removes 2 armor from the whole enemy team. UNFORTUNATELY, that doesn't happen in Gold League where this match is played since Epic cards are capped at level 5. But not to worry, since we have a newcomer to help her out with that. GIRL POWER!

Time Mage

Does she look familiar to you? No? Well that's because she and her Chaos Legion friends were just recently released! And she's here to help us out with not only the Rust ability which strips the opponent's armor off, but she could also Slow down the entire enemy team to ensure that our main man goes first! Not only that, she is 1 point faster than the Sacred Unicorn, which means she'll not only take off 2 armor from the opponent's tank, but also shred it's HP with her 2 magic damage. This will help the Unicorn tremendously since the tanks are usually the toughest ones to go through.

On this match however, I only rented a level 5 Time Mage since there aren't any level 6 available. But she will still hit before the Sacred Unicorn because of the nature of her attack. Magic goes before Range and then Melee.

Feral Spirit

This ghostly kitty benefits from the different buffs of the whole team. With his amazing 7 speed, he ensures to pick off a backline support from the opposing team with his sneak ability before the unicorn starts to ram everything through. (Hits harder if the opponent is allergic to cats.)

Baby Unicorn

Bringing junior to battle is what a responsible unicorn father should do, right? Not only will this teach him how to fight like dad, but bringing him onto the team grants a boost of both speed and HP to the whole team! "Look mom, I'm helping!"






Match Preview.PNG

After about 4 to 5 hours of playing with this team, I was finally able to find a good scenario for this gimmick to work out. We have here a Tyrus Paladium but unfortunately, his monsters are quite underleveled. But hey, we take those.

All Buffs and Debuffs.PNG

This scene shows all the buffs and debuffs working for our team. The Sacred Unicorn's damage is now pumped to a whopping 7 thanks to the Silvershield Knight and the Evangelist and his speed bumped to 5 thanks to the Baby Unicorn. Time Mage's Rust has also stripped the opponent of their armor, negating Tyrus's +1 Armor in the process, except for the Shieldbearer. Her Slow has also allowed us to outspeed their fastest unit, preventing them from moving first. The only problem that we have in this situation is the Shieldbearer since the Sacred Unicorn's 7 damage would not be enough to take down a total of 12 units of combined HP and armor.


Thanks to the enormous speed and the sneak ability, the Feral Spirit was able to chip off the remaining armor from the Shieldbearer but this still leaves a huge 9 HP which our Unicorn can't take down.


But before the Sacred Unicorn could start attacking, the Time Mage attacks first due to it being a magic attack despite both being on the same speed. Thanks to the Shieldbearer's own ability, Taunt, instead of targeting the opposing Silvershield Knight, the Time Mage was able to finally chip the Shieldbearer's HP down to 7 and now is in range of being KO'd by the Sacred Unicorn. Talk about team work!

At this point, the opponent can only now hope for a miss. But thanks to the high speed difference, a miss is nothing short of a miracle. Nothing can stand against the Sacred Unicorn's rampage. The stage is set. Let us all witness how this big bad horse one shot everything in the opponent's team.








Perfect execution!


There are ofcourse a lot more cards that we could use to further improve this set. I will include some that I am familiar of!


High Priest Darius has the Weaken ability which lower's all the opponent's monster's HP which will help the Unicorn take down those tanky monsters. High Priest Darius also has Resurrect which can bring back the Unicorn in the event that it gets killed before he can get the job done.


Inspire. +1 Melee Damage. Need I explain more?
Unlike the Silvershield Knight, the Enchanted Pixie costs less and is able to hit enemies despite being placed behind the Unicorn. Good support card to use in low mana matches.


Why not just go all out and go further beyond? Who needs HP or armor if you can hit first and finish the whole game in one turn, amirite?
Also, using a dragon summoner unlocks more possibilities by using dragon monsters. Unicorns and Dragons anyone?

These are only some of the possible cards that you could partner/support the Sacred Unicorn with. If you have any other cards that you think would work well with this set, do let me know in the comments!


This is a very fun set overall. It's more of like a gimmick but is very effective once you get to familiarize the set's strengths and weaknesses. I find that this set has a glaring weakness to fast magic, monsters with the Shield ability, Sneak heavy teams, Mylor Crowling, and an unfortunate miss. I also would not recommend using this set if the ruleset has Divine Shield and/or Reverse Speed.

I strongly recommend you guys trying out this team and do share what you think about this set! Please also let me know what you think about this post in the comments!

And before I end this post, let me part you all with a meme I came up with while writing this post. Thank you and Mabuhay!


Thank you.png


What an epic fight here! I rarely use unicorn as my tank because silvershield knight is enough. These Time Mage is awesome, I only see her as a caster of magic with slow ability debuff, but the upgraded one is awesome!!. Now I kind of want her on my team. Nice write up. Enjoyed your post. Next time I will give you pizza XD

I'm glad you likes it! <3

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