Don't be surprised if I cancel your v.1 rental contracts

Greetings from The Legendary Canary!

1. V.1 rentals phased out

This is a short post for the benefit of everyone who is renting cards from me under the v.1 system, just to let you know that if you're sticking with the v.1 contract that we both know its because the contract terms are better for you than it is for me 😁 . That's cool, but here is a fair warning now that I may break your contract before the end of the contract term so that I can earn more on v.2. Chances are, you'll be able to score some great deals anyway, this market is very much a renter's market at the moment.

2. Thank you for your support!

This will be the last time I tag renters since the new system features only 24 hour contracts with no cooldowns. But to all v.1 renters, I have appreciated your support ever since I went heavy into this aspect of the game at the beginning of 2021. Together we have grown to appreciate the potential of what such a system could bring in terms of accessibility, competition and rewards. It has been awesome!

3. Still blogging

Of course I will still be blogging my takes on the game and the market, which are very useful for documenting my own thoughts - and perhaps in time it might catch the attention of more like-minded people who like to think through this aspect of Splinterlands. But if not, that is perfectly OK too.

Today's Featured Card

Would you be interested in a ...

Serpent of the Flame (BETA)
Card ID: G1-10-4R0CV9U2PC
Daily Fee: 89.011 DEC

I now own a larger position in Beta GF Serpents of the Flame than I ever anticipated. This was my very first GF card so it holds a special place in my heart. The combination of speed, retaliate and poison are such a fitting mix for a card featuring a serpent. Extremely well designed and one of my favourites in the whole game!

For the last time - A big THANK YOU to my supporters!

Whether you are a human, an alt account or a bot, as always I appreciate your support!!

Ostrich Tier (>$0.10 per day)

@jacekw @shinychamp @steemmonstergirl @vraba

Eagle Tier (>$0.01 per day)

@abhay18e @adelka @aroxy @bloodnervous @briatore @bynarikode @chapmaister @cryptkeeper17 @fieryfootprints @fitzmagic @gaarakazekage @germansailor @gingerbyna @guerrero01 @hill007 @hossainbd @ilboss @inici-arte @joelit0x2 @kchim0010a @kchim007a @leizerstark @malefico @pablodare @pindex @riandeuk @sansey @showers @sirtorito @splinterembassy @splinterlands-es @sweenyswift @vz2000 @vz2001 @vz2002

Pigeon Tier (>$0.005 per day)

@abcor @aboost @aurelia181 @boboman @bravy @carlos19996 @carnel10sard @coinbanks @daddyzitto @dcx02 @donbeano @elclements @elephantas1 @fluid @goliathus @henlicps @infernoone @jamys @kchim0008a @kchim004a @kevinchistera @krazyk9588 @laqsking @leandrotardelli @lordmy @megaeoz3 @pachu4 @queenofgamer @redzone2k2 @stk.master @stranglehold @teejays @thebestavo @tj70903 @tribu @von-doom @weakbot @welindao @xcore

Sparrow Tier (>=$0.001 per day)

@abacam @adrianfcb @aitana @akiramagna @akura @alanigma @allora @alohatim @amaari @arcangell @aronwood @ashketchdem @atack2 @babalor @bet1x2 @blinban @brazid @broker2 @brunoms @brunyson @buffalowings @c4lexz @cerlant @champion2 @chonywalker @clev @collector2 @coroed @creator2 @danieljusto @danny23 @darthproton @dartodarmadi @deus-x-machina @domieu @enchantres-dc @epicpla @erwinj888 @europa1 @fantasma113 @fiodrem @frulili @gidlark @grosh @guest1 @herox @inkoti @isplinter02 @isplinter03 @javato @javiss01 @jleonardorf @joelit0x @juanao10 @judibana @korta @kravata @lina1997 @lucrecio @lukels @megawolf @minty1894 @molwas @moneyjac @mrguilu @mumo @musdim @newman20 @nh3 @noobtree @ogretribe @paraguana @payme2 @peygo @polessins @predator2 @pumandchun @qatro @quars @quorum4 @rapunsel @raspu @salvao @scottishwildcat @selboraz @shelbyn @shellylopez @skyple @sunoreo @superz @sylars @tabo11 @tamymayz @tank2 @tavo1927 @thehydra @trebuchet14 @uchihabr @victatt @wild.nature @wild2 @xhunterx @zelligar @zineo

The Legendary Canary strives to provide you cards with:

Competitive daily rates
Generous contract terms
Useful abilities you actually want!

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It's been a pleasure and will keep an eye out for your rentals in the new system. Made it to eagle tier in the end :-)

Reason is you are very competitive in pricing and contract terms and it made you stand out from the rest. If I had the choice I got your card. Hope the new system works well for you and looking forward to more blogs. Awesome card by the way that serpent!

thank you, and i enjoy following your season reports!

Renters earn more with v2?! Doesn't sound like good news for me as a rentee.

the bigger picture is that actually v2 is good for everybody overall

i earn more because the entire volume for the rental market has gone up (v2 market has more volume in a week than v1 market had in three years !), not necessarily because prices have gone higher.

actually most prices have TANKED (including most of my own cards) which is awesome for rentees like yourself. feel free to check through what contracts you have and see if you can find a better deal on v.2 because chances are, you probably can save money

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gracias por esta publicación la verdad es que has tenido precios muy competitivos en el mercado lo cual nos ayudo mucho y es bueno que todos cambiemos al nuevo sistema ya que aunque han subido de valor también a subido de valor las recompensas y es más fácil alquilar cartas con el nuevo sistema saludos y muchas gracias espero seguir alquilando algunas de tus cartas en la nueva versión