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RE: Market Listing Fees & Expiration

in #splinterlands2 years ago

"What's the point of delisting a card after 30 days so that the owner has to re-list it again"

  • Yes. Exactly. So that people wouldn't list a card for $1000000 or something that will never be rented. This, in my understanding, still puts a load in the system as they need to preserve that space and of course, they (the devs) need to pay for it in the blockchain because it's listed there. This also removes the 0.10 DEC or something that gets cancelled every few days which increases their expense since they (the devs) need to pay a fee for every transaction.

After all these are all transactions and it's all about reducing them, isn't it?

  • Yes. I think I explained it above. I might be over analyzing it but I think I'm somewhat on point. This also reduces the amount of rentals in the market for abnoxiously low cards. For example, if there are only 100k players active and there are 500k listed level 1 Gargoya Lion on the market, what the hell is that extra 400k cards for? The devs have to pay for it for being listed and yet it will NEVER be rented. It's essentially reducing the extra cost on the server (dev) side.

For my understanding (correct me if I am wrong) in the blockchain you pay with ressource credits, is splinterlands low in ressource credits ? I guess no:



By the way:
How many cards are at the moment listed for $1000000 (or more) for rent ?