
Hey, NOBODY talks about Hive least Splinterlands sucks enough to be worthy of a mention.

yeah that was kinda my thought. Regardless of the content and topic just the mention alone got me a bit excited.. more eyes.

But is he wrong?

I do miss OG splinterlands before the deck weight restrictions.. I actively played up till then. :/


That's gotta sting a bit...

Some of it I agree with.. some seems like cheap shots.. Just found it interesting that jauwn was aware of SL and HIVE.

Those "cheap shots" I'd classify as showbiz. Do it for the views...

And I think majority of the folks still around here have grown accustomed to being misunderstood and misrepresented somehow.

I wasn't aware of this jauwn character until I stumbled into your post here. I wasn't aware some Hive people helped put him on the map (according to the comment section under the video), so that's kind of funny. I wasn't aware of this supposed flash mob either. Silly humans...

Yeah.. kind of funny that we lit the guy up.. I had no idea till I saw the vid.

Over the years (coming close to a decade? holy fuck) I've noticed every time someone on the outside looks in and reports on this thing we got going on here, they miss the mark.

To be expected. People go to a city, visit a few locations, report their findings. In reality they've hardly scratched the surface and know nothing about the place. "There was a fly in my soup. Don't go to Paris."

To be fair to it all.. this community is a cult of sorts.. Not meant in a negative way.. but HIVE people are adamant HIVE promoters and lovers etc etc.. The outside folks that weren't around for the Steem/Hive trauma will never get it I guess.

I get what you mean. I wouldn't expect them to get it.

Some of the "community" elements here are strange. People think "The Hive Community" doesn't want to support that famous card game we got here because that famous proposal hasn't passed, yet "The Hive Community" is supporting it to the point it's nearly approved. There's some crossed wires there. It's more like a community and when you think of a city, it's not a cult. Most people don't even know one another here. Just a group of individuals all doing their own thing and there's no way we'll all agree and get along.

Those going to "defend" their game under a Youtube video. That's just tribalism.

Seems pretty accurate.

Some of it for sure.