Hello Splinterlanders! King-of-Rockets, back after a hiatus from blogging. So much going on in Splinterlands. The latest of which is the bomb that got dropped today that the next Rewards Edition cards are coming in just a few days! 5 more days to be exact. I'm super pumped as I'm sure most everyone is for new cards. Rewards chests have been... shall we say less than exciting for a little bit now since lots of cards were going out of print. Tis a small consequence of the player explosion that has happened recently. But I have to hand it to the team that they got out the next Rewards Edition cards sooner than I thought they would midst server optimization, Chaos Legion, and everything else they are working on.
Anyway, all that aside, I'm really here to give a quick tip to all the players out there who have ever been in this scenario...
Imagine this: You make this long-awaited purchase of a card. You own a bunch of them already but you want to combine it to bring up to OP levels. Naturally.
But wait. What's this? COOLDOWN?!?! Awwwww. Well, guess we just have to wait those 7 days its asking us to wait, huh?

Say it with me y'all: NO! Maybe not!
Depending on exactly which cards and how many of them are on cooldown, you may be able to avoid waiting for them to cool-down all together.
Coincidentally, I was in this exact position and was able to avoid the waiting game. Let's go through the situation, shall we?

Examine the screenshot above. But then step back a minute before this. I had 55 single BCX and the Level 5 (60 BCX) and Level 4 (35 BCX). My apologies, I didn't screenshot all the single BCX I had. Total fail.
So after combining the 55 single cards, here is where we ended up. Two cards on cooldown, one not. And it would be easy if the higher level card was the one NOT on cooldown. You just combine them and off you go. But it isn't. So what do I do?
Luckily I remembered just how to combine them and make it instantly playable.
Now, there is a much more complicated explanation on a whole bunch of priorities of what comes first to properly combine cards. Down to even the Card ID level. I'll post the entire details some other time. But for now, the key in this situation is to combine cards so that you end up with the higher level NOT on cooldown. So I combined the two level 4 cards together. Then it looked like this:

The two level 4s were combined to make a level 5. This worked because the Level 4 with higher BCX (all the singles combined together) was not on cooldown. Now you have two level 5s, the higher BCX of which is not cooldown. So combining these two level 5s gave this:

Success! One level 7 not on cooldown, ready to trample some poor, low health having victims.
Well, that's my tip for the day. Questions? Drop a comment below.
Until my next post, good luck on your new Rewards cards. I'll be posting my first few to give my take on them and how they've been in action. See ya!