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RE: Splinterlands Updates - October, 2021

in #splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

I won't be surprised if the legit newcomers were like "earn tokens for 10 bucks MY FOOT!"

hope the fud don't spread faster than wildfires. why don't they reward novices/bronze 3 players with credits? atleast, that'll give them a leg up to buy some cards to increase their fighting chance if not get themselves outta the hellhole for a while. and let's imagine for a moment that those farm bots were legit, live, conservative investors. if our reward pool gets to uh-oh level that fast, then there's a bigger issue here! this game still lacks the mean to earn some back. potion business? pffft... what we all need is something worth spending our dec's... how about a mini game! like a wheel of fortune where we spend 10dec per spin and get a chance to win 100, 300, 500, 1000, to 2000 credits! or get a lump of coal if luck is not on your side.



Actually they ARE being rewarded in credits in Bronze... and only credits (I think)... but THAT's even worse... because ~10 credits (I've even received 1 credit before) per chest means like 400+ days of playing quests before you can even afford a pack.

cc @splintrelands ... Spit-balling some ideas here:
How about a) banning bots b) rewarding bronze with JUST credits... but a lot higher number of credits (which can only be used to buy packs in game, right?)


Actually they ARE being rewarded in credits in Bronze... and only credits (I think)... but THAT's even worse... because ~10 credits (I've even received 1 credit before) per chest means like 400+ days of playing quests before you can even afford a pack.

cc @splintrelands ... Spit-balling some ideas here:
How about a) banning bots b) rewarding bronze with JUST credits... but a lot higher number of credits (which can only be used to buy packs in game, right?)

  • edit *
    the number of credits awarded can/should even decrease as the account in question earns more and more credits... i.e. Will be "quick" (say 2 seasons) to earn 4, 000 credits... the next 4, 000 credits should take double that amount of time on average and so on and so on?

  • edit 2 * after $10/$XXX, or XXX CP, worth of cards/packs/ have been opened then each chest is guaranteed to only hold 1 credit.

... Would this not make bots 'unprofitable'?

I hope they use your ideas on specific targets mainly, the bots and the owner. not all novices and bronze 3 players. it's possible! they already have the means to monitor card/dec/sps flow. if one account transfers all of its assets, it's obvious that it's a bot.

You cannot sent token to yourself.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

lots of events there man, like tournaments with entry fees of dec and most offers nice prizes.


legit newcomer here, started playing about a week ago and have been getting my fuck kicked outta me. Earn sps tokens for 10 bucks my foot for real, thats exactly what i thought and still am thinking.


What to do?