In my eyes the (future) main problem with bots is that they will be simply too strong. I know not everybody agrees, but I am convinced that they will play significantly stronger than every human player (already now, I wish you much fun beating the 'bubke-bot' for example). So their advantage lays not in the system anymore (I guess the new changes are rather well thought out) but simply in the fact that well concipated bots play better than humans (like they already do in chess, Go, poker, ..., ... where also at the beginning everybody claimed they would never reach such high levels).
I wonder if we really want a game where the first 50 or 100 Champion League ranks will be reserved for bots/AI?
And if not what could be done against it, as it is nearly impossible to prove the use of bots, because even someone using them can still enter the bot-suggested teams manually ...?
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Bots could be sophisticated to play really really well and win a ton it is true but the tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of bots out there are mostly developed to play really well with a very small set a cards... a minimal set of cards. In the past they have mostly counted on playing eachother and counted on just doing more battles... but now about 28-30 battles is optimal for rewards so they'll need to focus on higher win percentage so yeah i think they'll try their best to have a better winning percenatage.
I think it is vital that they impliment their desired goal to stop bots froma network to battle against eachother.
Sure, I agree!
We are writing about two different things here.
I just see the appearance of very strong bots in Champion League as the next tricky to solve problem to loom on the horizon.
While i agree and see your idea. I think you're talking more about ai than bots. Ai is a bot but has capabulity to learn but is heck of a hard thibg to be consistent especially if the games change with new cards and rules like wild and modern. Bots, are simply programmed accounts taht play specific cards regardless of changes. I think most bots used is just general bots and the obe you're saying is a specially made ai which not a lot of people can get their hands with unless you pay or make your own
I think as prizes are rather high nowadays the bots (even those which having the ability to learn and use AI) will become better and better. Already now I wish you much fun while trying to beat the 'bubke-bot'. :)
If new cards/rules come out there always will be an adaption phase of (lets say) a few weeks, but I don't see that as a major problem for bots/AI.