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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Sell 2B DEC-B for DEC or Vouchers

in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

But this won't twist anything. Dec will not go up in value. Land will soak up a lot of dec but between now and then, there will be more DEC like tokens out there, not less. And there will still be a ton of actual dec. How would that increase the value?

In order for something like this to work, they need to increase the number drastically. Make it so big that it burns almost all the DEC. Don't leave 5.5 billion on the market and expect it to not be sold into heavily as soon as it gets above .90 again.


Yeah probably first DECB sale will soak up all vouchers and all DEC of hodlers, not affecting prices so much. But from what I heard there will be more sales after that