in #splinterlands2 years ago (edited)

Rarity: RARE
Element: FIRE
Attack: MAGIC
Abilities: DEATHBLOW

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 11.45.56.png

Ruleset and line-up:

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 11.52.50.png

Aim True: Melee and Ranged attacks always hit their target.
Manacap of 29.
Available Splinters - Fire, Life, and Dragon

My Team:

Summoner: Tarsa (+1 Health, 1+ Melee Attack)

  1. Android Platoon - Melee damager with the shield ability.
  2. Radiated Brute - Melee damager with the reach ability.
  3. Djinn Apprentice - Magic damager.
  4. Serpentine Spy - Melee damager with the opportunity ability.
  5. Tenyii Striker - Melee damager with the sneak ability and the dodge ability.
  6. **Uraeus - Melee damager with the sneak ability.


My strategy was having 5 low mana attackers with a lot of power.

Position 1: Android Platoon

I was expecting Melee and ranged attacks. The shield ability will reduce these attacks.

Position 2: Radiated Brute

Because of the reach ability it's very well positioned on the second place.

Postion 3: Djinn Apprentice

So now I have 3 monsters who target the first position of the opponent. I was expecting a shield monster or thorns monster. Therefore magic is a good attacking choice and will likely defeat first position way faster.

Position 4: Serpentine Spy

Position 4 is in the middle, so the most safe spot for a low hp monster.

Position 5: Tenyii Striker

I was also expecting ranged attacker which are mostly positioned in the back. Also sneak attack is a good way to attack with Melee.

Position 6: Uraeus

Put Uraeus in the back, because it has 1 shield so it can catch a strong sneak attack if that is needed. And it also protects Tenyii Striker more from sneak attack, because he has 1 more melee attack it is beneficial that he will stay longer in the battle. Now I have 2 sneak attackers, which makes sneak attacks way more effective.


Round 1:

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 13.13.22.png

I did not expect Yodin. But the opponent is weakly protected from the back and the ranged attackers can not attack in the first position it is key to take out Android Platoon as fast as possible.

Round 2:

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 13.27.52.png

A good first round for me. Defeated two monsters already and I still have all my monsters. The opponent now only has 3 monsters who can attack and I have 6.

Round 3:

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 13.33.33.png

Unfortunately blood maker had 1HP left and can attack first because of the highest speed. With the ability scattershot it targets a random monster along with the blast ability from Yodin it will also damage the monsters next to it. It targeted the best possible monster, Djinn Apprentice, which had 3HP left. So the attack was the exact amount it needed to defeat it, with the blast it damaged my Serpentine Spy and Radiated Brute. So Blood Maker killed 3 monsters in 1 attack.

Final Round:

Schermafbeelding 2022-10-18 om 13.42.47.png

Now I was lucky that the Tenyii Striker had 1 HP left. And because of the speed of Uraeus and Tenyii Striker were the highest of the remaining monsters. They were first to attack and that was crucial to win the match.


It always feels greet to defeat Yodin, one of the strongest summoners in the game. Even more when I was not expecting Yodin, so not fully prepared.

I always like to have a magic monster in a Melee Team. Djinn Apprentice is very suitable in a 20-40 mana battle. It profits off the disadvantages the melee attackers face. Like shield and thorns. It's a good way to defeat the first position.

I like Djinn Apprentice because of the low mana it cost and the high magic attack and decent speed it has, so it always has a chance to fire. It has decent HP, but to protect him the best I place it in the middle.

The full battle can be watched here

Thanks for reading and happy battling!


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