An incredible card to keep an eye on with great investment potential and also an excellent choice for your battles.

in #splinterlands3 years ago

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Today we are going to talk about the Carnage Titan which is the 8th Chaos Legion airdrop card, but is it a card that will be worth having for battles or is it just another card to have in the collection hoping to value in the future? In this post I will talk about it and also about what value it should reach after being released.

Let's start by talking about the chances of getting this card if you bought chaos legion packs. The chances of receiving it are 0.19% for each pack you bought so if you bought 2 packs it will be 0.38%, if it is 10 packs it will be 1.9% and so on, being that you have 100 % chance of getting it if you bought 525 chaos legion packs from the splinterlands shop so if you bought it through another place like hive engine these packs will not count at the time of the airdrop. But you must think that 525 packs is a lot and yes I agree with you as each pack costs $4 and that amount would be the equivalent of $2200 in packs to have a 100% chance of having at least 1 Carnage Titan card, but on the other hand On the other hand, this amount of packages also means that there will be fewer cards from him in circulation as it will require more packages than the previous airdrops and this is a very good thing because it influences the price and starts to pay off more to have it, but of course this is not the most important thing that will influence its value since there is no point in having fewer cards than the previous aidrops if the card is not useful in battle to be burned and leveled up and have even less of them in circulation in addition to being good in battle to offset its value.

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Now let's talk about his stats and abilities which is a main point that defines him in a battle.

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As you can see Carnage Titan is a legendary card from the dragon deck and has 11 mana cost which is very high and also makes it vulnerable against the Giant Killer abilitie but will spending all that mana be good for the your battle?. This is something that will depend on its usefulness and Carnage Titan is a melee type card that has a reasonable speed and its health and defense are what really stand out because its focus is on being a defensive card, besides when it increases from level the only thing that changes is your attack and your skills and this is something that catches my attention in a negative way because it is a legendary card with a very high mana cost so it has to be something that is really worth putting in the battle as most of them have a relatively low mana cost where the Carnage Titan would consume most of it, so this is an important point to look at because 1 more health or 1 speed or even 1 shield might seem like too little but it can make a lot of difference in a battle, now let's talk about your abilities to see if it really makes up for the fact that it's one of your only changes with leveling up.

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His first abilitie is Reach and it makes a melee card able to attack from the second position and that's great since he's a card focused on offense and defense (you'll understand better after I explain the next abilities), but how he has 2 weaknesses which is being vulnerable against magic attacks as his health is not very high and the second is the fact that he is vulnerable against cards that have the Giant Killer skill so having him in the second position so he does maximum damage. damage possible because of his second skill is the best choice.

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His second ability is Double Strike that makes him attack 2x in the round, so it's an offensive ability and that makes him not just a defensive card since at maximum level he has 4 attack and with him attacking 2x it means 8 of damage in just 1 round, besides that if you have the Explosive Weaponry rule in the battle where all cards gain the Blast ability then your damage goes to the heights.

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Its third and final ability is what makes it a great defensive card which is the Shield ability and it makes the Carnage Titan only take half the damage caused by melee and ranged cards, and as these cards are very frequent in battles then they will have a hard time defeating him and the longer he spends on the battlefield the more damage he will do which makes for a great balance between offense and defense.

Maybe you have the doubt as to why he has the ability reach since he would also be a great choice for the first position, on that I agree and disagree because it is a fact that he is also a good choice for the first position but he is vulnerable against magic cards as they ignore the shield and directly attack the card's health, so the Carnage Titan would be defeated very easily against this type of card as it doesn't have a high health and the 11 mana you spent would be wasted very fast, in addition he is also vulnerable against the ability Giant Killer and most of the cards that have it are cards that are in the first position so he would end up suffering against them and receiving much more damage. On the other hand in second position he becomes a great defense in case the first position card is defeated and also gives him time to deal as much damage as possible to enemy cards until he is needed to defend.

Another positive point of Carnage Titan is that it becomes a great combination for a card in the first position that has the Void ability so this card will defend well against magic attacks and Carnage Titan will do a lot of damage in the meantime and if the enemy team doesn't have magic cards then the Carnage Titan will be an excellent defense, so you have a balance against magic, melee and ranged attacks. A great choice for this would be the Grum Flameblade which is also an airdrop card that has 11 mana cost, but it not only has the Void skill but also the Void Armor skill which makes magic attacks attack the shield first, so are 2 extremely strong cards that complement each other and the Grum Flameblade is also an excellent offensive card since its attack is not low at all and it has the Bloodlust ability that increases its stats by +1 every time it defeats an enemy card so it goes getting stronger during the battle which makes it harder to defeat and the Carnage Titan will do more damage in the meantime and I think it's an amazing combination that I'll definitely try once it's released.

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Now let's talk about values.

Since I mentioned the Grum Flameblade before so I will use it as a base since it is also a legendary card from the chaos legion edition that has 11 mana cost, but its abilities are totally different and the Grum Flameblade has the Bloodlust ability that makes it the first non-gladius edition card that has this ability and this influences its value in addition to being a great ability for battles.

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The Grum Flameblade is being sold at $10.60 at the time this post is being published and if you compare it to the other airdrop cards with the exception of Doctor Blight it is the most expensive card and the reason for that is because it is a card unique so far as it has the Bloodlust ability and also the fact that it is a very useful card in battle, but another factor that I also observe is that cards with a high mana cost tend to cost more and as the Carnage Titan is a of them so I believe that this will influence its value, in addition it is a card that will be very useful in battle so it is already another fact that will influence its value and finally I want to make a comparison with another chaos legion card that is not it is airdrop and not legendary but I believe it may have a certain similarity and looking at its value would also be interesting to get a sense of the value of the Carnage Titan.

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This card is Grund and the similarity I see in it and Carnage Titan is that both have a high mana cost and also the Double Strike ability and I know it may seem little but Grund is an attack focused card since its skills are exactly for that, on the other hand the Carnage Titan also has a great focus on attack but also on defense which makes it even more useful.

I believe that the Carnage Titan has great potential for battle and also as an investment because as I said before cards with a high mana cost have a tendency to be expensive and the Carnage Titan should not be an exception even more with its utility, so It won't be the kind of card you keep in your collection waiting to go up in price to make a profit but it's also going to be an amazing card for you to use in your battles and I can't wait to use it in mine.

That's my point of view on this card and I'm looking forward to it being released as well as the next chaos legion aidrops. And you, do you also think she will be amazing in battles?

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Now let's get to know more about him through his story.

He was called Holicrai the Magnificent and without doubt, he was the finest Gloridax guardian in the history of the land. He was as feared as some of the dragons that lived on Dragon’s Roost. The people of Draykh-Nahka would sing songs about him, and the ancient scholars would say that the sagas told about him didn’t do him justice. When he passed to the other side, they took his armor and displayed it in the Warrior’s Hall, deep within the Centrum. His bones were laid to rest in the Guardian’s Chapel on the far side of the city, a shrine open to the people so they might pay their respects for all he had done.

*It cost Morloth, the crazed tinker, not a single penny to acquire the armor. The Chaos Legion had brought it to him, together with a long, thick bone from the chapel’s tomb – probably the femur he guessed. He didn’t ask them how they’d come by it, and the strange man that conveyed the delivery was most peculiar indeed. He wore a long black coat and top hat, with a bizarre beaked mask and shimmering green amulet about his neck, carrying a lantern that pierced the night. He spoke to himself as much as he did to Morloth, and by the end of their conversation, the tinker wasn’t sure who he was more afraid of, the entire Chaos Legion that had descended upon the land, or this one strange man that was standing before him. *

Using the green crystals that he’d fuelled the Disintegrator with, Morloth set to work hammering away at the pieces of armor and fusing parts of the bone to the metal. Night passed into morning, as he sharpened its metal fingers into deadly claws, each one as long as his forearm. Then daylight came and went, the cycle repeating until he had lost complete track of time. He took sips of water from the various flasks that littered his workshop, and when the paltry reserves of food ran out, he chewed upon the green crystals themselves, sucking the energy from them. Partway through his labors, Morloth had to drag his creation from the workshop and set a canvas tent outside to continue, so big was the masterpiece. When it was time to attach the head, he rolled the lump of metal across the ground and fused it to the shoulders. Finally, he started work on the impressive helm that would conceal the giant green crystal that fuelled the creation’s mind and body.

When finished, Morloth collapsed in a state of complete exhaustion. He awoke later to find that his creation was gone. The terrible Carnage Titan had come to life and left him whilst he slept. He never did learn where his golem had gone, but then, nor did he discover how fortunate he was that it didn’t tear him to pieces before it left.


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