Today I will tell you about a card, being more specific a summoner that offers you 3 important attributes in a battle, and these attributes are defense (in this case it will be shield), the ability to fight back an attack when attacked and finally make enemy cards miss the attack, you may be wondering if there really is such a summoner and the answer to that is yes, but unfortunately he is very little known and used these days and that's why I want to talk about him in this post, for those who read it to understand how incredibly useful it can be in battle.
This summoner's name is Lir Deepswimmer and after today you will certainly not forget him and will probably even use him in your battles. But I think I'm creating too much expectation without mentioning anything about him, just his name so let's talk about what this summoner offers you.
The first thing I should talk about is its mana cost and this may disappoint you a little since it is high and this restricts its use in battles a lot but even so when you have the opportunity be sure to use it. His mana cost is 7 and he is a water deck legendary summoner.
As the image above shows it offers you 3 things and I will explain in detail how each of them works.
The first one is to give +2 shield to all your cards on the field and this is already a good start because the shield restricts the attack of melee and ranged cards from attacking the card's life first, so the attack of these cards will deal damage on the shield first and the excess damage will not be inflicted on your card's health unless the enemy card has the Piercing ability, so we can consider that the shield is like the Divine Shield ability only for melee and ranged attacks.
The second one is the Return Fire skill and here things start to get more interesting because this skill is applied to all allied cards and it inflicts damage on ranged cards that attack these cards based on the card's attack. So let's assume a card with 2 ranged attack attacks one of your cards so it will take half damage back and that would be 1 damage, but if it's 3 attack then it will inflict 2 damage back since the value is rounded up, so it's an excellent offensive skill that will give your opponent a lot of headache if he uses a lot of ranged cards that are very common in battles.
And the last one is the Blind skill and this skill is applied to all enemy cards and makes them have a +15% chance to miss the attack. It may seem like a low value but it makes an extreme difference in battle because enemy cards miss many times, it even seems like the value is higher and if you try to use it someday you will also notice it.
But I spoke a lot of positive points about this card so I will say its negative points. The first would be its high mana cost which greatly restricts its use so you won't use it all the time or if you use it you have to have a good strategy to compensate for it, the second is the fact that it's a waste of mana against a magic card team so always look which cards your opponent usually uses to see if it is really the ideal one for the match, if enemy cards are usually melee and mostly ranged then victory is almost taken for granted and these are the 2 main negative points her.
Another thing to mention is that the Blind skill becomes more useful when you have cards with a high speed and this is not very difficult to find in the water deck, besides cards that have the Dodge skill are a great addition to your team because they will almost not take damage in battle because their dodge rate is very high with the Blind and luckily the water deck is full of these cards.
There are several cards in splinterlands such as Lir Deepswimmer that are little known but are amazing and so if you have some time to research them you can be sure it won't be in vain because you will learn a lot from it. Maybe you think I'm exaggerating but I ask you the following question: when was the last time you saw this summoner in your battles? or if you have already seen it, then know that splinterlands is an amazing game that can bring you many surprises and one of them is the history of the cards that are quite interesting so to complete this post talking about this amazing summoner I will also leave his story so you don't forget about it anymore.
There was a time when Lir was just a middling summoner of the Anenon School of water magic, but that changed forever one day when his small ship was capsized in a sudden (some might say unnatural) storm. Lir might have had a common life, he might have married a young girl from the Archipelago and settled down with mere ambitions of summoning at the grand arena of Mount Mox. But it seems the forces of the seas had other plans for the young man.
As the great waves of reckoning grew in size, rocking the vessel and everything aboard from side to side, Lir tripped among ropes of the anchor line and became tangled. When the ship finally rolled over and succumbed to the waves, Lir, along with the heavy anchor, was dragged down to the dark depths.
In most situations, being dumped into the drink would not be a hindrance for a water school summoner, especially one as young and strong as Lir. But entangled with the anchor, Lir felt his strength leaving as his lungs burned for air. As his body failed, his will to escape blazed within, and a spark of pure crisis in his soul changed everything in a moment. Fueled by a desperate desire to survive, Lir's magic suddenly surged to new heights as he called on the creatures of the sea to aid him.
The Serpent of Eld was the first to hear the powerful call of the summoner, and he was luckily lounging in a nearby cave. The great Serpent, who can swim faster than any other creature in the sea, took off immediately to answer the call. The cry of Lir’s spirit was so strong that it also commanded the attention of a lone Coral Wraith in the yawning depths. Moments before Lir was overtaken by water, pressure and darkness, a powerful wave of magic from the Wraith below removed the anchor from his leg and Lir was free. Not a moment later, the mighty Serpent of Eld swooped by, tearing toward the water’s surface with all the speed he could muster and carrying the summoner on his back. From far below, the Coral Wraith continued to assist, creating a vacuum, a reverse whirlpool that increased the already breakneck speed of the Serpent as he careened toward the light of day. They say that the Serpent and Lir breached the water’s surface at such great speed and force that they flew miles into the air before they came splashing down.
Some say that genius is what happens when a strong mind meets serendipity, finding itself in the right place at the right time. For Lir, now Lir Deepswimmer, it was in that triumphant moment of crisis and salvation that his research truly began. The wildest creatures of the Untamed deep had listened to his call; this would change everything for Lir. In the years since the sinking, Lir’s hair has turned a deep, rich blue, which most presume to be a magical side effect of having swum so deep. Deepswimmer’s power, fame and genius will venture deeper still.
Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good job!