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RE: ~ New Players Corner - Building A Bronze Deck & Acquiring Assets ~

in #splinterlands3 years ago

Hello Phoenix!
Again a good read from your side!
At the moment I have a little motivation hole but I'm trying everyday. Guides like your's help me to get motivated and try stuff!

I'm playing since December 21 and my first Season was pretty good! If I've had the power at this time, I would have been in Bronze 1.
At the moment I feel like a playball in Bronze 3/2. I have the feeling that every opponent is reading me 24/7 even when I change Summoners on every Match.

What I would like you to Discuss in next installments is "Budget" Card picks for every Splinter and something like "Standart Cardsetups" in Bronze. What I mean with Setups is:
On wich position to put Meatshields and in wich Situation. Standart Strategies you use, if this are existent.

Maybe it helps somebody else where we are at Strategy already!
I was so angry because I often lost to Sneak so I took the Death Splinter when I expected Red.
Just put the "Cursed Windeku" to the last position and see them cry :).

Thank you for helping!



Hi there h3llrais3r!

I understand the frustration! I often feel like I'm being read like a book when it comes to standard match setups. Honestly, if you spam a single setup too often its very easy for an opponent to counter you. If you are focusing on 1 or 2 splinters you can try different approaches within the same splinter as well. For instance if you were to focus on a sneak setup with one match, a magic setup the next match, and a snipe + ranged setup the next it would be much more difficult to anticipate what you are going to be doing. Thank you for your suggestion on the next topic!